(Single Best Answer) Question 21: A 10-month old girl presents with extensive pruritis over the face and lichenification and creases below the eyes. She has a family history of asthma and allergic rhinitis. The most likely diagnosis is ?
A) Atopic dermatitis B) Allergic contact dermatitis C) Seborrhoeic dermatitis D) Neurodermatitis Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 22: A 20-year old dark man has hypopigmented macules over the chest, trunk and back. The KOH examination shows spaghetti and meatball appearance. Which of the following drugs will be appropriate in the oral treatment of this condition ? 1. Terbinafine 2. Griseofulvin 3. Itraconazole 4. Ketoconazole Select the correct answer using the code given below:
A) 1 and 2 B) 2 and 3 C) 1 and 4 D) 3 and 4 Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 23: A 4-month old infant presents with itchy papules and burrows on the wrist, web spaces, genitalia and trunk. The most appropriate treatment for this is ?
A) Permethrin 1% (w/w) cream B) Permethrin 5% (w/w) cream C) Gamma Benzene Hexachloride 1% lotion D) Benzyl benzoate 25% lotion Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 24: A 14-year-old girl is brought with the alleged consumption of a liquid poison. Her clinical examination reveals the pulse rate to be 52/min, BP 100/70 mmHg, and respiratory rate 8/min. She has a shallow breathing. Her skin is cold and clammy. She has excessive salivation. On auscultation of the lungs, she has crepitations. The CNS examination reveals all 4 limbs to be flaccid, and she has fasciculations. What is the most probable poison ?
A) Barbiturates B) Copper sulphate C) Opioids D) Organophosphorus compound Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
A) They reduce the efficiency of insulin B) They mask the symptoms of hypoglycaemia C) They produce dermatitis herpetiformis D) They produce congestive heart failure Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
A) They facilitate the absorption of dietary fats B) They conjugate with toxic substances, and thus facilitate their excretion C) They facilitate the excretion of breakdown products of haemoglobin D) They facilitate the absorption of vitamin B12 Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 27: Supplementation with which of the following vitamins during the antenatal period can prevent the neural tube defects in a baby ?
A) Riboflavin B) Pyridoxine C) Folic acid D) Cyanocobalamine Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 28: A 60-year-old male hypertensive had a stroke two week prior to this sudden attack of dyspnoea. The present ECG shows changes of S1 Q3 T3 and the V/Q pulmonary scan shows major areas of reduced perfusion. What is the probable diagnosis ?
A) Pneumothorax B) Congestive cardiac failure C) Pulmonary thromboembolism D) Psychogenic dysfunction Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
A) Thalassaemia B) Wilsons Disease C) Phenylketonuria D) Galactosaemia Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 30: A 24-year-old HIV positive male presents with fever, cough and breathlessness for the last one week. On clinical examination, he is emaciated, tachypnoeic and has scattered crepitations over both the lung fields. The chest X-ray shows bilateral interstitial infiltrates. The initial antibiotic of choice would be ?
A) Penicillin B) Cotrimoxazole C) Amphotericin B D) Acyclovir Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):