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SGPGI MDEE 2010 MaySGPGIMS MD Entrance Examination 2010 May Session
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow-226014, India
Phone Nos.: 91-0522-2668004-8, 2668700, 2668800, 2668900 Ext: 4011, 4304, 4009
Fax Nos. 91-0522-2668017, 2668098, and 2668129/2005
ADMISSIONS FOR MD COURSESApplications are invited for admission to MD courses in the specialities as detailed below for the session commencing from May 2010:
S.No. Department UR SC OBC1. ANAESTHESIOLOGY 01 01 -
6. PATHOLOGY 01 - 01
Admission Procedure:The Institute will not be conducting any Entrance Examination for admission to the above seats. The candidates are required to apply on the prescribed form, to be downloaded from the website of the Institute specifically mentioning their ranks/marks obtained in ALL INDIA PG MEDICAL ENTRANCE EXAMINATION for admission to different MD Courses for the session commencing from May 2010. Selection will be made on the basis of their rank in PG Medical EntranceExamination through counselling only.
Essential Qualifications for MD Courses:Candidates must have completed one-year rotational internship as on 30.04.2010 after having passed MBBS examination from a Medical College/Institute duly recognized by MCI andshould have permanent registration with MCI.
Age: Upper age limit for eligibility for MD courses is 30 years as on 01.01.2010. Age relaxation of a maximum of 5 years will be given to SC/ST/OBC candidates having domicile in U.P. Reservation to widowed/divorced/legallyseparatedwomen who have not re-married and disabled/handicapped persons will be as per Government rules.
Reservation: Reservation will be permissible only to the candidates having Domicile of the State of Uttar Pradesh. Candidates belonging to reserve category but having Domicile other than Uttar Pradesh will be treated as General category candidates for all purposes.
HOW TO APPLY:The information brochure and application forms for MD can be downloaded from the Institute’swebsite [https://www.sgpgi.ac.in] during 15th February 2010 to 15th March, 2010. The candidates will have to fill up the APPLICATION FORM ONLINE. After online submission a print out of filled in application form MUST be taken and sent to Executive Registrar SGPGIMS Lucknow 226014 along with all relevant documents in support ofrank (AIPGMEE), age, qualification, and proof of MBBS degree recognition by Medical Council of India/State Medical Council, reservation etc and duly signed by the candidate.
A bank draft of Rs. 1,000/- towards applicationfee should also be attached with the application form. The Bank Draft should be drawn in favour of
Director,SGPGIMS, Lucknow, Academic Account.Last date of completed application form along with necessary enclosures forMD Course is 15.03.2010.HOW TO KNOW YOUR ELIGIBILITY:Eligibility status of each application will be available on the same Website on 25th March 2010 for MD Counselling.
1. Reservation for MD will apply as per rule. Reservation will be admissible only to candidates having Domicile in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Candidates having Domicile other than Uttar Pradesh will be treated as General category candidates for all purposes.
2. The candidates must possess MBBS degree or equivalent qualification while applying for the MDseat.
3. The candidate must submit proof of recognition of his/her degree from Medical Council of India,failing which application will be rejected.
4. The last date of receiving of completed application forms along with necessary enclosures as mentioned in check list and a Bank Draft for Rs 1000/- drawn in favour of Director, SGPGIMS,Lucknow Academic Account, drawn on SBI, SGPGI Branch, (Code No. 7789), payable at Lucknow,is 15th March 2010 for MD course.
5. Since the application forms are to be filled ONLINE, the candidate must ensure that they fillthe correct and complete information as per instructions given on the website. Institute willnot be responsible if application of any candidate is rejected on the basis of information filledby him ONLINE in the application form.
6. Incomplete application and application received after the last date will summarily be rejected.
7. Candidate must write his name and registration number on back of the bank draft.
8. In case of any dispute, the decision of the Director, SGPGIMS, Lucknow, will be final.
9. The completed application along with enclosures (print out of application form filled ONLINE alongwith Bank Draft and all necessary documents) should be sent latest by 15th March 2010 for MDcourse through courier or speed post in a envelope super scribed “Application for MD Course”addressed to Executive Registrar, SGPGIMS, Raibareli Road, Lucknow 226 014.