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(Single Best Answer) Question 251: Not seen in thiamine deficiency ?
A) Cerebellar dysfunction
B) Amnesia
C) Confabulation
D) Nystagmus
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 252: Epitheloid granuloma can be seen in all of the following conditions except ?
A) Hodgkin's lymphoma
B) Tuberculosis
C) Sarcoidosis
D) Pneumocystic carinii pneumonia
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 253: Apoptosis bodies are ?
A) Cell membrane bound organelles
B) Clumped chromatin bodies
C) No nucleus with organelles
D) Pyknotic nucleus without organelles
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 254: Most common site of regional enteritis is ?
A) Caecum
B) Colon
C) Rectum
D) Distal ileum and colon
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 255: Lack of leucocyte adhesion molecules (LAM) is associated with ?
A) Neutropenia
B) Normal chemotaxis
C) Complement opsonization
D) Delayed closure of umbilical cord
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 256: 'Flea bitten' appearance of kidney may be seen in all of the following conditions except ?
A) Diabetes mellitus
B) Malignant hypertension
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 257: Which of the following is an example of Type I hypersensitivity is ?
A) Arthus reaction
B) Casoni's test
C) Lepromin test
D) Tuberculin test
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 258: The most common site of Leimyoma is ?
A) Colon
B) Ileum
C) Rectum
D) Stomach
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 259: Among the following, the most common trisomy is ?
A) Trisomy 5
B) Trisomy 13
C) Trisomy 18
D) Trisomy 21
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 260: Among the following histological variants of breast carcinoma, the best prognosis is seen with ?
A) Lobular carcinoma
B) Ductal carcinoma
C) Colloid carcinoma
D) Intraductal carcinoma
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):