(Single Best Answer) Question 71: Pain & tenderness over the lateral condyle of humerus with a painful dorsiflexion of the wrist is indicative of ?
A) Golfer ' s Elbow B) Tennis Elbow C) Pitcher ' s Elbow D) Cricket Elbow Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 72: The pain around the hip with flexion, adduction & internal rotation of lower limb in a young adult after a road traffic accident is suggestive of ?
A) Intracapsular fracture of the femoral neck B) Extra capsular fracture of the femoral neck C) Posterior dislocation of hip D) Anterior dislocation of hip Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
A) Acute gonococcal arthritis B) Chronic pyogenic arthritis C) Septic arthritis of infancy D) Small pox arthritis Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
A) Arthroplasty B) Osteotomy C) Open reduction and internal fixation D) Closed reduction and internal fixation Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
A) Quadriceps femoris muscle B) Gluteus maximus muscle C) Gluteus medius muscle D) Gluteus minimus muscle Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):