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(Single Best Answer) Question 151: Maximum Refractory power of eyeContributed by - dcmymx is seen in ?
A) Cornea
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(Single Best Answer) Question 152: True about Left abducent nerve palsy is ?
A) Diplopia in left lateral gaze
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(Single Best Answer) Question 153: Adult with proptosis and abducent nerve palsy with homogenous mass with high contrast enhancement. What is the diagnosis ?
A) Cavernous hemangioma
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(Single Best Answer) Question 154: Not found in Horner's syndrome ?
A) Apparent Exophthalmos
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(Single Best Answer) Question 155: Differences between CRVO and Carotid artery occlusion are all except ?
A) Retinal vein dilation
B) Tortuosity of retinal veins
C) Pressure in retinal artery
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(Single Best Answer) Question 156: All are causes of papilloedema except ?
A) Cerebral tumors
B) Friedreich's ataxia
C) Cavernous sinus thrombosis
D) Cerebral abscess
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(Single Best Answer) Question 157: The following are grades of binocular single vision except ?
A) simultaneous macular perception
B) fusion
C) stereopsis
D) suppression
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(Single Best Answer) Question 158: Swinging flash light test is used to examine ?
A) cornea
B) pupil
C) lens
D) conjunctiva
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(Single Best Answer) Question 159: Objective assessment of the refractive state ?
A) Retinoscopy
B) Gonioscopy
C) Ophthalmoscopy
D) Keratoscopy
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(Single Best Answer) Question 160: Spontaneous absorption of lenticular material is seen in ?
A) Myotonic dystrophy
B) Hallermann Streiff syndrome
C) Aniridia
D) Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous
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