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(Single Best Answer) Question 21: Post-partum haemorrhage is said to be present when the amount of blood loss exceeds ?
A) 200 ml
B) 400 ml
C) 500 ml
D) 700 ml
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 22: In a multipara, the most common cause of Post partum Haemorrhage is ?
A) Retained placenta
B) Uterine peforation
C) Uterine atonicity
D) Fibroid in the uterus
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 23: Among the following drugs, the one most commonly used to reduce the blood loss in the management of Post partum haemorrhage is ?
A) Oxytocin
B) Methergin
C) Prostaglandins
D) Progesterone
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 24: Which of the following is the most common type of female pelvis ?
A) Android
B) Anthropoid
C) Gynaecoid
D) Platypelloid
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 25: Which of the following drug is not given in Thyrotoxicosis complicating pregnancy ?
A) Carbimazole
B) Neomercazole
C) Propylthiouracil
D) Lugol's iodine
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 26: Periconceptional use of the following agent leads to reduced incidence of neural tube defects ?
A) Folic acid
B) Iron
C) Calcium
D) Vitamin A
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 27: The following statements regarding Turner syndrome are true except ?
A) Occurrence of Turner syndrome is influenced by maternal age
B) Most patients have primary amenorrhoea
C) Most patients have short stature
D) Edema of hands and feet is an important feature during infancy
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 28: All of the following are known side effects with the use of tocolytic therapy except ?
A) Tachycardia
B) Hypotension
C) Hyperglycemia
D) Fever
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 29: A drop in fetal heart rate that typically lasts less than 2 minutes and is usually associated with umbilical cord compression is called ?
A) Early deceleration
B) Late deceleration
C) Variable deceleration
D) Prolonged deceleration
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 30: Which statement is true regarding VENTOUSE (Vacuum Extractor) ?
A) Minor scalp abrasions and subgaleal hematomas to the newborn are more frequent than forceps
B) Can be applied when the foetal head is above the level of ischial spine
C) Maternal trauma is more frequent than forceps
D) Cannot be used when fetal head is not fully rotated
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):