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NBE FMG Screening Test 2010 MarchNational Board of Examinations Foreign Medical Graduates Screening Test 2010 March
DownloadsScreening Test Foreign Medical Graduates - Information BulletinScreening Test Foreign Medical Graduates - Application FormImportant Dates1. Availability of Information Bulletin - Online-www.natboard.edu.in : 26th December, 2009
Indian Bank Branches : 30th December, 2009
2. Last date for Receiving of Application Forms : 31st January, 2010
3. Last date for Receiving of Application Forms (with late fees) : 14th Febuary, 2010
4. Dispatch of Admit Cards will begin : 10th March, 2010*
5. Date of Exam : 28th March, 2010
Instructions2. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTSa) Instructions in the booklet are liable to changes based on decisions taken by theGovernment / Medical Council / Competent Authority / Court decisions from time totime. Applicants are required to refer to the latest bulletin or corrigendum that may beissued to incorporate these changes Refer www.natboard.edu.in for latest updatesor corrigendum.
b) Application forms can be downloaded from website www.natboard.edu.in; downloadedforms have to be submitted alongwith form fee of Rs.750/-.
c) No Queries of the Guardians/Parents will be entertained on telephone with regard tothe eligibility and disclosures of results.
d) Applicants, for eligibility criteria, should go through the bulletin carefullybefore writing to the Board’s office.
e) Submission of incomplete applications or applications not in accordance withinstructions will not be considered and the candidates will be declared ineligible. Insuch cases, the entire fees will be forfeited.
f) Applicants are required to submit all the requisite annexures with the applicationform; lack of relevant annexure shall lead to cancellation of application form and theentire fees will be forfeited.
g) Applicants should have passed the Primary Medical Qualification i.e. MBBS orEquivalent degree and must submit proof of passing the same with the applicationform. In absence of Proof of Passing certificate before the last date of applicationsubmission, the application shall be treated as incomplete and fees will be forfeited.
h) The foreign medical degrees should be attested either by the Embassy of India orshould be Apostilled by the appropriate authority of the foreign country. Copy of thesame duly attested/Apostilled by the Gazetted Officer in India, (showing fulldetails......... Name, Designation, office, Government etc.) should be submitted. Kindlynote that the apostile/attestation is to be as per the screening test regulations(amendment) dated September 2009.For details regarding Apostilled documents, candidates may refer to the website ofMinistry of External Affairs (www.meaindia.nic.in)
i) Applicants are advised to fill their postal address correctly as this addressshall be used for sending the Roll Numbers and Results.
j) Fees once paid will neither be carried forward to a future date nor be refunded underany circumstances. Fee should be paid by Challan & deposited to selected branchesof Indian Bank.
k) Applications of applicants producing false or fabricated records will not beconsidered and such applicants will be further debarred from appearing in thefuture examinations of the board. Action as deemed appropriate by the Boardwill be taken if false or fabricated records/information are submitted or anyunfair means are used.
l) Application Status / Roll numbers / results can be seen at the websitewww.natboard.edu.in
m) Roll number can be downloaded from the website and quoted when not received bypost in time.
n) Appearance or success in the screening test does not confer any right upon acandidate for seeking registration with MCI/State Medical Council.Registration of FMG by the MCI /State Medical Council is subject to fulfillment of MCI/State Medical Council criteria/rules/regulations framed for this purpose.
o) Undertaking by applicant as per Annexure ‘E’ has to be submitted with application form.
p) Notifications, regulations etc. issued by Government of India, Medical Council of Indiamay be referred for eligibility criteria, pattern, schedule of exam. There is no provisionfor retotalling/re-evaluation.
q) The Admit Card is not transferable to any other person. Impersonation is a punishableoffence under law. CANDIDATES ARE REQUIRED TO BRING THEIR PASSPORTALONGWITH THE ADMIT CARD FOR ENTRY TO THE EXAMINATION CENTRE.National Board of Examinations reserves its absolute right to verify the identity of theapplicant/examinees/candidates.
r) Unfair means NBE reserves its absolute rights to take penal action as applicableunder civil/criminal procedure/guideline or any other action deemed appropriateagainst candidates found using unfair means.Unfair means includes canvassing for support of a candidate with examiners ofDNB Exam/NBE office/any other functionary/use of electronic gadgets as MobilePhones during exam/Impersonation/use of study aids as books/notes etc. duringexam./Influencing any functionary of exam system/any other act intended to breachthe sanctity of examination process.
s) Candidates are advised to enter a correct/valid 10 digit mobile number in theirapplication form for receiving SMS alerts.Jurisdiction for all disputes shall be at Delhi/New Delhi in the Delhi High Court
Eligibility CriteriaThe Applicant must meet/fulfill the following criteria :
a) He / She is a citizen of India.
b) Possesses primary medical qualifications that are recognized by the Government ofthe country issuing that qualification and the holder of that qualification is entitled forpractice in that country. The said medical school must be listed in WHO directory ofmedical schools.
c) He / She had obtained “Eligibility Certificate’ from the Medical Council of India(applicable only in respect to students who took admission abroad on or after15.03.2002). This requirement shall not be necessary in respect of Indian citizens oroverseas citizens of India who have obtained admission in foreign medical institutebefore 15th March 2002.
d) All students who have taken admission abroad prior to 15.03.2002 and are requiredto qualify the Screening Test for their registration, shall be allowed to appear in theScreening Test even if they do not meet the minimum admission norms of MCI forjoining undergraduate medical course, subjected to the compliance of the Judgment(s)of the Hon’ble Supreme Court/Competent Courts in this regard including but not limitedto judgment dated 8th March 2002 in Civil Appeal No. 2779 of 2000 & other judgments.
e) From 15.03.2002 and onwards all students are required to obtain an EligibilityCertificate from MCI before proceeding abroad for studies in Medicine.
f) Applicants/Candidates may also refer to Screening Test Regulations and Regulationson Graduate Medical Education, Eligibility Certificate Regulations issued by MedicalCouncil of India. The same may be referred to at www.mciindia.org or obtained fromSecretary, Medical Council of India, Sector 8 Pocket 14, Dwarka, New Delhi. Telephone:25367033, 25367035 Fax: 25367024.
Examination Centrea) The exam shall be held on 28th March, 2010 at New Delhi
b) Timing of the exam are:
i) Forenoon/ Ist Session 9:00 AM to 11:30 PM
ii) Afternoon/ IInd Session 1:00 PM to 03:30 PM
c) Reporting Time for candidates for the first and second sitting is 08:15 AM and 12:15PMrespectively.
d) The Exact venue at New Delhi Shall be notified in the Admit Card.
e) Applicants are to make own arrangements for Travel /lodging etc.
f) All candidates are required to bring their Passport as proof of Identity at the examcenter. Candidates may not be to allowed to appear in exam if they are unableto produce original passport.
g) Candidates are advised that (due to security reasons) they may not be allowed toleave the exam center between 08:15 AM, to 03:30 PM.
Payment of FeesCandidates are required to submit the following fees:
a) Examination Fee – Rs 3500/- (Three Thousand Five Hundred)
b) Application Form Fee (to be submitted by candidates using internetdownloaded forms) – Rs 750/- (Seven Hundred Fifty only)
c) Late Fee – To be submitted by candidates submitting their application formafter the cut off date but before the cut off date with late fee as prescribed inthis Information Bulletin – Rs 1500/- (One Thousand & Five Hundred only)
The fee can be paid by the following means:a) By cash deposit : At selected branches of Indian Bank – The fee as above can be deposited in selected branches of the Indian Bank (for list of branches of the bank, refer to Annexure ‘B’ of this Information Bulletin); Kindly use thespecialized pay-in-slip provided in this Information Bulletin for this purpose(Annexure C.)
Kindly Note:-Absentees from the examination will forfeit their examination fee.Candidates are advised to read the rule position carefully and satisfy terms andconditions for fulfillment of eligibility criteria.
Copies of Documents are to be attested by a Gazetted Officer in India (Showing fulldetails of the signatory’s Name, Designation, Office, --------- Government, etc.)
Verification of DocumentsApplicants are required to submit attested (by Gazetted Officer) copies of
a) Proof of Date of Birth
b) Copy of Passport of the applicant/Nationality Proof (e.g. voters ID Card)
c) 10+2 passing certificate issued by the respective Board of Examination
d) 10+2 mark sheet issued by the respective Board of Examination
e) Certificate of Passing Primary Medical Qualification (i.e. MBBS or equivalent degreecertificate ) with mark sheet.Candidates are required to submit copies of degrees, dulyattested by a Gazetted Officer. The degrees should be attested either by the Embassyof India or should be Apostilled by the appropriate authority in the Foreign Country.For details regarding Apostilled documents, candidates may refer to the website ofMinistry of External Affairs www.meaindia.nic.in
f) Internship Certificate (if done abroad)
g) Eligibility Certificate issued by MCI for candidates joined the Medical Course on or after15.03.2009
h) Translated copies (in English / Hindi) to be furnished if the certificates are in languageother than English / Hindi.
i) Equivalence Certificate : From Association of Indian Universities (for candiates whohave done 10+2 abroad)