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Angelina Total Posts: 130 | Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 05:42 am MEDICO-LEGAL importance of age MERE MCI KI JAI Quote: M-marriage contract E-employment R-rape E-evidence M-majority attainment C-criminal responsibilities I-identification K-kidnapping I-infanticide J-judicial punishment A-abortion I-impotence and sterility difference between civil negligence and criminal nigligence OFF-NEG-CON-CON-PET Quote: offence negligence conduct of physician consent for act punishment evidence trial gustafson's method Asmit Patel SeCReT Quote: attrition paradontosis secondary dentin cementum apposition root resorption tranperency of the root difference between antemortem and post mortem wounds SHEECVE Quote: S-spurting H-h'age E-edges E-extravasation C-coagulation V-vital reaction E-enzyme histochemistry difference between DRY,MOIST and CHEMICAL burns Quote: story:for every good CAUSE a SITE is needed,during sight SPLASHES of light comes to eyes,so SKIN on eyelids developes VESICLES which are RED in COLOUR.they look like a CHERRY,now eating cherry and SINGING can cause ULCERATION which ultimatemly results in put on ur CLOTHES and go for fun,bye CAUSE SITE SPLASHING SKIN VESICLES REDLINE COLOUR CHARRING SINGEING ULCERATION SCAR CLOTHES DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HANGING AND STRANGULATION: Quote: in english premier LIGUE(ligature) there was a man with ABRASION on his NECK.on examination BRUISING was also he was immediately taken to hospital here he got died so in autopsy first layer was SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE.after removing that HYOID BONE was found along with THYROID CARTILAGE,below that layer LARYNX and TRACHEA were insert a forcep in this trachea upto lung where you found EMPHYSOMATOUS bullae ki jana main kaun is a panjabi CAROL(carotid artery).after singing that you got smile on your FACE.then u did suiside by hanging and ASPHYXIA was ur cause of death.ur TONGUE was protruded.and from tongue BLOOD and SALIVA was coming out.then u ejeculated without masturbation as it was INVOLUNTARY discharge. LEGAL PROBLEMS REGARDING USE OF ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION: Quote: NADaL WIN N-nullity of marriage A-adultry D-divorce L-legitimacy W-widow I-incest N-natural birth types of hymen VICS IS A.... Quote: v-vertical i-infantile c-cribriform s-septate i-imperforate s-semilunar a-annular classification of psychiatric disorders Quote: PSYCHOSES Organic SAI BP organic-senile,alcoholic,intracranial,brain anomalies,physical conditions functional: SCHIZOPHRENIA:simple,hebephrenic,catatonic.paranoid affective:I AM PerFACT:involution melancholia,atypical forms,maniac depressive,paranoid NEUROSES:APO DUDH Have anxiety phobic obsessive compulsive depressive unspecified depersonalization syndrom hypochondriachal hysterical |