Author: | Message |
Adidoc2k1 Total Posts: 60 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:59 pm q. pneumocystis jerovicci a.can be easilt diagnosed by examination of sputum b. may cause cystic dilataion of colon c. d. |
gourab Total Posts: 12 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 04:05 pm it is the new name given to pneumocystis carinii[/i so it is seen in immunocompromised pt. |
sridhar Total Posts: 30 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 05:14 pm its gaseous dilatation of colon man |
drvijay Total Posts: 65 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 06:30 pm basic grounds to support? |
RABIES Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 08:38 pm P.jiroveci: the infection has a world-wide distribution and the transmission seems to occur by airborne route. The organims that causes human pneumocystosis is now named Pneumocystis jiroveci * Frenkel 1999, in honor of the Czech parasitologist Otto Jirovec. The organism is now considered a fungus, based on nucelic acid and biochemical analysis; nevertheless, on the basis of morpholocic and biologic characterisitcs it is included in the atlas of medical parasitology. |
litfiba Total Posts: 38 | Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:14 pm true abour pneumocystis jiroveci: a. seen only in immunocompromised b. commonly associated with cmv c. cystic dilatation of colon d. diagnosed with sputum examination correct answer: b heres the reference for this question harrison pg 1050 CMV may itself contribute to further T lymphocyte hyporesponsiveness, which often precedes superinfection with other opportunistic pathogens, such as Pneumocystis. CMV and Pneumocystis are frequently found together in immunosuppressed patients with severe interstitial pneumonia |
litfiba Total Posts: 38 | Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:19 pm for those who think answer is A harrison pg 1194 Symptoms in non-HIV-infected patients often begin after the glucocorticoid dose has been tapered and typically last 1 to 2 weeks. HIV-infected patients are usually ill for several weeks or longer and have relatively subtle manifestations this shows it can infect normal people as well |