Author: | Message |
Admin Total Posts: 890 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 02:53 am Dear Users, Rank Projector for AIPGMEE 2008 is online now at - Mcqs in the Rank Projector are under updation gradually. Mcqs for updation in the rank projector can be submitted in this thread. With regards, Netmedicos |
bkv Total Posts: 9 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 03:04 am 4) Which of the following is contraindication for normal vaginal delivery following Caesarian Section ? A) History of Classical CS B) Breech C) CPD D) cpd was not in d choice..... i think |
bkv Total Posts: 9 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 03:06 am Q6) Which tubectomy procedure is associated with highest recanalization ? A) isthmic-isthmic region B) isthmic-ampullary C) D) other options were ampullo- ampullary cornual implant |
drvijay Total Posts: 65 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 03:09 am highest recanalization is with isthmic isthmic type |
bkv Total Posts: 9 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 03:32 am piperacillin is correct as penicillin for pseudomonas ref. kdt pg 661 edition 5th |
Admin Total Posts: 890 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 03:41 am Dear Users, Above mentioned questions have been updated - options are under updation. With regards, Netmedicos |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 06:01 am few suggestions.... 1.ringed sideroblasts seen in ANS: Myelodysplastic syndrome 2.The options in highest success of tubal ligation are wrong...3rd option-unipolar cautery 4th option-bipolar cautery 3.que given here "drug of choice in condyloma acuminata" exam it was "immunomodulator used in condyloma acuminata...ANS imiquimod 4.i think the correct answer for diffuse esophageal spasm is diagnosis by 24hr esophageal MANOMETRY gotta check but i think its given in bailey |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 06:08 am a.sensory supply of masseter goes to which nucleus of trigeminal nerve? 1.Spinal 2.Motor 3.Mesencephalic 4.? b.facial nerve colliculus is located at 1.interpeduncular fossa 2.Pons 3.Midbrain 4.? c.Nasal septum not formed by 1.sphenoid 2.ethmoid 3.? 4.Lacrimal....ANS d.joints between the auditory ossicles 1.primary cartiliginous 2.secondary catiliginous 3.synovial 4.fibrous e.which of the following is not a compound muscle 1.biceps femoris 2.pectineus 3,.adductor magnus 4.? f.which is not digastric muscle? 1.occipitofrontalis 2.omohyoid 3.? 4.? g.vein in paraduodenal recess ANS inf mesenteric f.which of following is not used as landmark for facial N, in surgery 1.tragal pointer belly of digastric 3.? 4.? |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 06:10 am Q.Abbe estlander flap is used for ANS...Lip reconstructions it is a rotation flap based on sup or inf. labial artery Q.#9,10 hemodynamically stable on IV fluids but complains of pain in left lower chest Management. ?ANS : laparotomy (looks like a case of splenic laceration hence even if temporarily stable needs repair of splenic injury as eventual rx) Q.vocal cord nodules in a singer with hoarseness at typical location with acid reflux mgmt:(ENT ) ANS speech therapy+PPI QM/c thyroid ca 1.papillary....ANS 2.Follicular 3.anaplastic 4.medullary of acute calculous cholecystitis .....??? 1.laparoscopy contraindicated in acute stage 2.Iv antibiotics Q.woman with 2cm gallstone on USG .symptoms controlled what next ANS...1.regular followup... Q.Case of testicular torsion .All correct except ANS...treatment with antibiotics Q.which ca does not show migratory thrombophlebitis 1.pancreas 2.prostate 3.colon 4.? Q.Nigro protocol in anal ca ANS 1.Chemotherapy with radiation as alternative to Surgery REFERENCE Article in "The oncologist" Combined Modality Treatment of Anal Carcinoma F. Roelofsena, H. Bartelinkb Combined modality treatment of anal carcinoma was initiated in 1974, when Nigro reported on three patients with anal carcinoma treated with preoperative irradiation with concomitant 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and mitomycin C Q.Which segment of liver resected when done just left to falciform lig? ???? Q.Polliciscion is.... 1.using finger to replace thumb? |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 06:13 am surg mcq...contd Q.Best way to diagnose anal fissure 1.Digital rectal exam and history...ANS 2.Direct visualisation/anoscopy 3.? 4.? |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 06:15 am Q.testis should have what temp for spermatogenesis 1.above core body temp core temp 3.below core body temp...ANS 4.? Q.EMBRYOLOGY....Which is correct 1.Morula surrounded by trophoblast?..ANS? 2.morula has motility to migrate down the fallopan tube 3.? 4.? |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 06:19 am paed MCQs repeated questions of AIIMS nov 07 whose answers were 1.Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis 2.Broncholitis oblitereans(case in which obstructive pattern seen) 3.Subtle...M/c type of neonatal convulsions 4.Lower colon contrast/barium imaging in infant with abd dist and vomiting |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 06:35 am OBGYN que Q.not used in PPH 1.syntometrin 2.syntocinon 3.Mifepristone....answer 4.? Q.C/I for VBAC 1.classical c-section 2,3,4? Q.Mnagement of 55yr old postmenopausal female with bleeding with histopath showing simple hyperplasia with atypia 1.Progestins....ANS 2.MIRENA 3.Hysterectomy 4.? Q.all are drawbacks of rhythm method of contraception except 1.cannot be used when periods are irregular 2.higher incidence of cong.malformations 3.high failure rate of 10 per HWY 4.? Q.Most imp risk factor for plaenta accreta 1.multiparity 2.Curretage...ans?? 3.? 4.? Q.Ca cervix ass with 2.hpv....ans 3.? 4.? Q.clomiphene acts by 1.blocking ER receptors (u've given this as ans but option looks to be better answer) 2.Blockiing Negative feedback of estrogen on hypothalamus and pituitary...ANS 3.? 4.? Q.mullerian agenesis syn, all absent except 1.uterus 2.vagina 3.cervix 4.ovary.....ans Q.Testicular feminization syn all true except !.46XY 2.absent/pouch vagina 3.well developed breasts 4.Pubic hair(in exam pubic hair was written as PUBLIC hair!!LOL!!)...btw it is also the answer! Q.when abortion stick used in vagina and cervix mechanism of termination is 1.uterine contractions 2.? 3? 4? Q.Best anastomosis of fallopian tubes by 1.isthmo-isthmic....ANS 2. 3. 4. Q.Most succesful/irrev method of tubal ligation 1.Hulka clip 2.F???? ring 3.unipolar cautery 4.bipolar cautery Q.Ergometrine C/I in 1.heart disease Q.not part of active management of 3rd stage labor 1.ergometrine within 1 min of delivery 2.controlled cord traction 3.uterine massage 4.? Q. Bartholins cyst in a 55yr old female,management 1.marsupialisation....ans? 2.surgical excision...ans?...should be considered as woman is old and change of malignant change later 3.incision /drainage 4.? |
shubham1111gupta Total Posts: 11 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 08:26 pm ice berg phenomenon represent? a)apparent/inapparent b)symptomatic/asymptomatic c)diagnosed/undiagnosed d)case/carriers ans should be a)apparent/unapparent coz park 17e pg 113 writes The concept of iceberg phenomenon gives a better idea of progress of a disease from its subclinical overt or apparent disease than the familiar spectrum. |
bommi Total Posts: 16 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 09:27 pm at the end of locking of knee joint a /femur rotation on tibia' b feemur rotation on tibiainternaly/ ans |
ahmar Total Posts: 3 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 09:43 pm a)fos b)jun c)myc d)SIS ans.SIS ref.robbins |
ahmar Total Posts: 3 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 09:44 pm the question is which of the oncogenes associated with growth factor |
ahmar Total Posts: 3 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 09:59 pm which is not the source of high energy phosphate? a)TCA b)glycolysis c)oxidative phosphorylation d)HMP ans is HMP ref harper pg.91 |
vats0879 Total Posts: 17 | Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:17 pm MAO of pralidoxime-reactivation ofcholine esterase. most common cause of visual morbidity in india-refractive error.all true about YAWS except-it is STD.t/t of b/l microtia with externalcanal atresia??? |
Adidoc2k1 Total Posts: 60 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:09 am i'm quite sure they didn't mention the facial colliculus,rather colliculi(that's sup and inf colliculi) and they are at the level of "midbrain". |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:22 am COrrection Q40) Which of the following is not correct regarding RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) ? A) It is made by group of special people B) It meets the needs of family C) It is based on the intense scientific knowledge D) Correction is option B)meets the needs of most of the population (RDA by definition is a value 2SD above mean and hence covers 95% of population) |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 02:49 am regading CC's action it is through ER receptors only.. n RDA includes the need of all the family members.. u can ref park for it.. this is clearly given der.. n it is based on nutritve value of food which means some scientific knowlege., but this intense word was troubling me.. i had no idea if it is made but a special group of ppl but we do ve dieticians.. 4th option i don remem |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 02:51 am one question was pollicization.. THAT ACTUALLY MEANS RECONT OF THUMB WID INDEX FINGER BUT THAT WAS NOT AN OPTION.. if i m right.. i hadmarked toe |
Adidoc2k1 Total Posts: 60 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 06:49 am i think there was big strife b/w Thumb reconstruction and toe to thumb transfer(after all that's too recnstrction and is used).i marked toe,how to confirm. |
shubham1111gupta Total Posts: 11 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:57 am q. aseked was facial calculii rather sup. or inf calculii |
shubham1111gupta Total Posts: 11 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 08:23 am Which of the following drugs is contraindicated in G6PD Deficiency ? A) Chloroquine B) Quinine C) Primaquine D) Pyrimethamine Expected Correct Ans: Chloroquine actual q is Which of the following drugs G6PD does not matter in treatment and ans is pyrimethamine ref |
shubham1111gupta Total Posts: 11 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 08:37 am Salpingitis is best detected by ? A) Hysterosalpingography B) Laparoscopy C) Hysteroscopy D) Sonosalpingography ans is laproscopy and not hysteroscopy ref: it writes # The definitive criteria for diagnosis of salpingitis and/or PID include the following: # * Laparoscopic abnormalities consistent with salpingitis (criterion standard) include tubal edema and erythema and the presence of purulent exudate or acute inflammation. However, at least one study from the University of Lund, Sweden suggests poor intra- and interobserver reproducibility and reliability and diagnostic accuracy when compared with histopathologically proven PID as the criterion standard. * Histopathologic evidence of endometritis on endometrial biopsy, or acute inflammation on fimbrial minibiopsy, which has a sensitivity and specificity for salpingitis of over 90% |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 03:47 pm some more mcqs.... Q,Probiotics are used in 1.Neonatel sepsis 2.Necrotizing enterocolitis 3.? 4.? Q.Okazaki fragments are produced during replication of 1.dsDNA 2.ssDNA 3.RNA 4.? Q.Difference in inheritance of a disease in a child from its parents on basis of the parents sex(?) 1.Incomplete pentrance 2.Genomic imprinting 3.? 4.? Q.Prognosis in AML poor im case of which genetic markers 1.inv16 2.monosomy7 3.? 4.? |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 03:49 pm 2 mcqs on prions Q.Prions are: 1.Infectious.....ANS 2.? 3.? 4.? 2.Most resistant to disinfection/sterilization 1.prions....anS 2.cysts 3.bacteria 4.ova |
vats0879 Total Posts: 17 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 03:58 pm most resistant 2 disinfection-4th option was spore n i marked that |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 04:00 pm some more mcqs Q.all are soil-borne infections except: 1.coccidiodomycosis 2.Tetanus 3.Brucella.....ans 4.? Q.coarctation of aorta is associated with which anomaly most commonly; 1.Bicuspid aortic valve.....ans 2.? 3.? 4.? Q.All-trans-thyretin used in which leukemia 1.Acute promyelocytic leukemia....ans 2.? 3.? 4.? Q.Most common bony abnormality in epispadiasis 1.widening of symphysis pubis 2.#symphysis pubis 3.? 4.? Q.Alkalanisation of urine done in 1.Morphine 2.Amphetamines....ans 3.? 4.? Q.Leucovorin rescue used in: 1.methotrexate....ans 2,.? 3.? 4.? Q.Fatty yellow liver in which poisoning 1.oxalic acid 2.? 3.? 4.? Q.Biologically active calcium is in which state 1.ionized...ans 2.protein bound 3.? 4.? Q.Protein synthesis inhibited by which antibiotic 1.penicillin 2.tetracycline....ans 3.? 4.? Q.Isolation only effective in 1.Mumps 2.Measles 3.Pneumonic Plague.....ans 4.? |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 04:02 pm ur right vats 4th option was spores in that mcq..i have by mistake mwritten ova...anyways byt answer given in microbio texts is PRIONS |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 04:05 pm hey netmedicos...nice to see the rank projector something unique whch other websites dont have! that's why i am encouraged to post the questions.... hope all 300 will be online by early next week. |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 04:08 pm correction: Q27 in ur projector says "Migratory thrombophletis is seen with"(that wud be easy question!!!) question in exam unfortunately was "Migratory thrombophletis is NOT seen in which ca; 1.pancreas 2.prostate 3.GI 4.?" |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 04:11 pm another correction Q67 should be "what is NOT seen in rx with erythropoeitin in renal failure" op:1.increase in hb 2.increase in hematocrit 3.Decrease in reticulocytes....ans 4,? |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 04:16 pm i think the Flumazenil question(Q115) All are true regarding Flumazenil except ? A) Benzodiazepine antagonist B) Opoid antagonist C) ? D) was "true about Flumazenil is 1.diazepam antagoist...ans 2.Diazepam inverse agonist 3.opioid anatagonist 4.?" pretty sure of this...unless lot more ppl think otherwise! |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 04:17 pm correct answer of PTSD should be hallucinations not hyper-arousal(q121) |
vats0879 Total Posts: 17 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 04:33 pm ya i agree with u,true about flumazenil was asked. q108.doc por pre menstrual syndrome-prostaglandin inhibitor i.e mefenemic acid or ssri,both given in shaws gynae 13th edition pg289-290 |
vats0879 Total Posts: 17 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 05:20 pm q147.ithink that q was - which of d following are nt suggestive of low radial injury-1.extenser carpi radialis2.loss of sensation over dorsum surf.of hand 3.brachioradialis,wats d ans then??? |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 05:41 pm r u sure lazyguy was it really except der.. cause i don remember seeing one der.. |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 06:28 pm diffuse oesophagial spasm diagnosis by barium meal endoscopy manomerty..WATS THE ANS..? MANOMERTY SHOWING THE HIGH PRESS WHICH CAN BE DUE TO JST SPASM ALSO OR BARIUM MEAL COMFIRMIMG EVERY THING sudden onset pain in scrotum no fever, redness all true exc if torsion and not treated will lead to treat with antibiotics probiotics used in necrtizing enterocolitis male child imforforated anus .. treatment of choice.. transv colostomy.. anoplasty sigmoid colostomy doc in pertussis.. erythro neck penetrating traume definition 2 cm deep injury to vital structure??????? penetrating platysma mc causedelay in puberty due to delay in constitutional growth professional singer with nodules over vocal cord, 6 months hoarseness treatment biopsy to rule out ca cordectomy antibiotic wid ppi rib notching on x ray coarctation of aorta palpable purpura in lady with rashes all over trunk limbs buttocks and abd pain henoch schonlein purpura ANS meningococceimia preferential expression of genetic depending on parental genomic imprinting REPEAT WHICH IS NOT A MUSCLE PROTEIN DYSTROPHIN SARCOGLYCAN DYSTROGLYCAN NOT TRUE ABOUT DIPLOIC VEINS THIN WALLED PRESENT IN SKULL BONES VALVALESS DEVELOP BY 8TH WEEK OF INTRAUTERINE LIFE TRIBUTARIES OF CAVERNOUS SINUS ALL EXCEPT INF PETROSAL SINU SUP PETROSAL SUPRF MIDDLE CEREBRAL VEIN DEEP CEREBRAL VEIN I M VERY SURE THAT SUP N INF PERTROSAL R DISTRIBUTRIES OF CAVERNOUS SINUS CAUSE OF INTRACTABLE SECONDARY GLAUCOMA LENS SWELLING.... DIFFUSE IRIS MELANOMAS PIGMENT CELL HYPERPLASIA OF ANTERIOR SURFACE OF IRIS POSTERIOR IRIS THICKENING i m not very sure if lens swelling as der.. if it was one of the option den thats the ans.. REF PARSON.. |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 06:41 pm vaccine c/i in pregnancy rabies hep b MMR mother with previous hisory of adrenal hypertropy..present preg advise *steroids before conception *check for usg sex determination n the decide is this the ans..? *.. *.. not correct about active management of 3rd stage of larbour.. NOT SURE WAT ALL THE OPTIONS WERE BUT MASSAGING OF THE UTREUS IS HIGHLY CONDEMEND.. THIS IS THE EXACT WORD GIVEN IN DUTTA,, SO THIS IS THE ANS... least relapse in nocturnal enuresis desmopressin bed alarm imaprime..?????? hitselbergers sign. acoustic neuroma... 100000000% sure middle aged man wid .... nodes n B type of curve on tympanometry.. dig NASOPHARYNGEAL CA |
vats0879 Total Posts: 17 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 06:44 pm no lens swelling{PHACOMORPHIC GLAU:CAUSE OF 2NDRY glau } was nt ther but option was enlargment of lens{causes primary angle closure glau} |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 06:48 pm what about diffuse iris melanoma |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 06:49 pm useful in premenstural syndrome progesterone ANXIOLYTIC ssri.. my ans... pain in ureteric colic stretch intra mural.. peristalasis..??? pt with c/o chest pain, sweating, restlessness,bought to casualty,apprehension..ecg, x ray normal with supportive measure asymptomatic wid in 10 mins.. panic attack pustular psoriasis in pregnant women in 2nd trimester...rx cyclosporine prednisolone methotrexate isoretinoic .. my ans... not at all sure.. saturated fatty acid max seen in palm oil... think so right only ... ground nut..? sunflower oil...? .....???????// |
vats0879 Total Posts: 17 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 06:54 pm they were asking about melanine dispersion syndrome[melanin on ant surf. of iris] ref.parson |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 06:54 pm tacrolimus all are side effects exc hirsuitism... ANS..????????? nephrotox neurotox hypergycemia... sure that nephro n hypergylcemia is der... effect of exercise on cerebral blood flow no effect incre.. first dec then inc.. ... not sure of the options also... hbsag +, asl/alt normal, hbeag neg next line of management regular follow up interferon nothing to be done.. damm it yar.. its a repet q n i m not sure of the ans...PLZ SOME ONE ANS... |
bommi Total Posts: 16 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 06:57 pm tacrolimus side effects 1nephrotoxicity, 2neurotoxicity, 3hypoglycemia??? 4/ this causes ?diabetes ?ans may be hypoglycemia ?anybody remember? |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 06:59 pm lamivudine??? |
vats0879 Total Posts: 17 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:02 pm Q true about kawasaki ds-most common cause of vasculitis in children. Q ROSETTES R FOUND IN-1.RETINOBLASTOMA 2.NUROBLATOMA3,4??? Q protein degradation takes plce in 1.peroxisome2.lysosomes3,4??? |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:02 pm HI.. MAY BE U R Right.. but still cant say wat they were asking.. n i m so damm out after the exam that i m not able to ref also prpperly.. but don u think after reading the text on melenoma eye may be on the third page of the topic only the glaucoma was mentioned n the first cause is given as lens swelling. n even if in the q it was lens enlargment it can be taken for the same.. and they had not mentioned wat melenoma they meant... |
bommi Total Posts: 16 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:03 pm alkalinisation of the urine is useful in 1 phenobarbitone/ explain barbiturate poision useful is forced alkalinisation only useful in long acting pheno is long acting |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:06 pm bommi it was not HYPO BUT HYPER GLYCEMIA... plz some else can contribute on same |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:08 pm actually intractable glaucoma means it is difficult to treat,, so i put that answer as melanoma.. not sure.. letz see it is kawasaki most common vasculitis?? |
bommi Total Posts: 16 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:08 pm penicillin ?cns crossing ?procaine ?2 bezathine ans may be procaine |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:10 pm kawasaki ds.. one option was der na.. coronary anurysm.. 25%.. may be thats the ans.. ROSSETTES ARE CHAR OF RETINOBLASTOMA but can be seen in neuroblastoma... or i m saying other way around.. protien degradation repeat,,, METALLOPROTIENS |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:10 pm tacrolimus ans is hirsutism |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:11 pm tacrolimus ans is hirsutism |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:13 pm mip2 protien in lens is for transport of water... i got it wrong |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:13 pm PENICILLIN CROSSING CNS.. was penic G der...???? if it was one of option that thats the ans.. but hope its procain only.. i had marked the same... |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:14 pm mip2 protien in lens is for transport of water... i got it wrong |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:14 pm mip2 protien in lens is for transport of water... i got it wrong |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:15 pm regarding alk i think its phenobar but someone had said amphet as the ans... |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:15 pm sure for that... mip2,,,??????? fluke for me.. |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:17 pm drug used in cns syphilis... why not benzanthine pencillin???.. facial colliculus pons?? |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:17 pm one more q on penicill was der.. which is not correct.. i cant recall the options.. but i was down to two 1.. interaction wid probenicid 2.. is it given orally.. i m not sure wat the options were.. |
vats0879 Total Posts: 17 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:19 pm KAWA..IS D MOST COMMON VASCULITIS IN CHILDREN.REF.GHAI6TH PG 586 |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:20 pm its not benzathine.. check out in KDT.. he gives as pencill G as DOC for neurosyp.. now the q is was this der in the options.. |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:21 pm ya sure seen in net... other option in pencillin are tubular secretion.. that alopecia question is telogen eflum or anagen efflm??? can u explain it |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:21 pm rape victim....??? filter paper ???what test confirms presence of semen phenolpthalien .... .... ....?????????/ mc congenital infections cmv with toxoplasma rubella with toxoplasma cmv with rubella meningitis in elderly caused by a/e hsv 2 listeria wats the ans.. |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:23 pm noooooooooooo... its Ig A nephropathy... IT MAY BE ONE OF THE CAUSE NOT THE MC.. TELL ME THE PAGE NO.. WHERE THIS IS GIVEN |
vats0879 Total Posts: 17 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:25 pm no pencillG wasnt der . |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:25 pm rape victem to confirm vaginal epithelium?? lugol iodine my answer meningitis is listeria i think |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:26 pm rape victem to confirm vaginal epithelium?? lugol iodine my answer meningitis is listeria i think |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:26 pm ALOPECIA Q.. ITS alopecia accreta.. cause is the clinically it was given as patchy loss of hair on eyebrows n beard area n head,, thats chrac of accreta.. u can check out.. i m preety sure on this |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:26 pm rape victem to confirm vaginal epithelium?? lugol iodine my answer meningitis is listeria i think |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:27 pm rape victem to confirm vaginal epithelium?? lugol iodine my answer meningitis is listeria i think |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:28 pm ya... u right vaginal epith.. i had also marked the same |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:30 pm alopecia accreta is it given in option?? can u tekl the answers wrong in the rank projector |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:30 pm alopecia accreta is it given in option?? can u tekl the answers wrong in the rank projector |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:31 pm delphis method. ......???????????? ans these man.... resistant falci malaria in child rx is doxy tetra clinda chloroquine enteric fever rx by a/e tmp smz ciplox amikacin . ac pancreatitis preferred route of nutrition post jejunostomy feeding tube feeding tube.. gastric tube... earliest x ray sign of pulm hypertension earliest x ray sign of atrial enlargement.. |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:33 pm ya sure it was ther.. 100%.. cause i marked it.. |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:35 pm About Squamous cell Ca Cx all are true except Arise in squamocollumnar junction HPV 16 & 18 associated with high risk common symptom is post coital bleeding CT scan necesary for staging Osteosarcoma occuring as second primary tumor in a case of retinoblastoma is due to mutation in Rb gene Mutation in p53 gene due to irradiation therapy due to chemotherapy treatment for B/l microotia and external auditory canal atresia should be done before 1 yr delayed till 6 yrs after puberty Diffuse axonal injury is characterised by predominant white matter hemorrhages, in basal ganglia and corpus collosum |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:38 pm clinda,septran,parentral nutrition, cephalisation of veins, shadow in shadow sign.. wel these are my answers dont know it right |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 07:41 pm ct scan not necessary for staging ca cervix,osteosarcoma is chemotherapy, microtoonia surgery 6 ys not sure |
vats0879 Total Posts: 17 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 08:07 pm hi krish there were 2 qs, one of d q having d option{it was a repeat q], now the other one was-protein degradation occurs in-1.peroxisomes2.ribosome3.lysosomes |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 08:26 pm shall i catch u here it self after lunch.. say 3... |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 08:28 pm i ve few doubts in rank projectors q.. i don know i missed it.. will jst confirm that also n join... C YA... |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 08:49 pm intra-cellular protien signallig by golgi bodies |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 08:49 pm intra-cellular protien signallig by golgi bodies |
sridhar Total Posts: 30 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 09:20 pm q.93 in rank projector is wrong " it should be drugs not contraindicated in G6PD deficiency" |
bommi Total Posts: 16 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 09:34 pm corporo basal index 1/species ? 2race? ??3?4? |
bommi Total Posts: 16 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 09:38 pm I think some que. about Ag presenting cells??asked |
bommi Total Posts: 16 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 09:51 pm bacterial index /dharmendra? 1 leprasy? t.b 3??4?? |
Admin Total Posts: 890 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 09:57 pm Dear Users, Regarding WRONG OPTIONS / ANSWERS In RANK PROJECTOR. First - We aim to complete 300 Questions Second - We aim to complete the OPTIONS Third - We aim to verify the answers and correct them You all can point out the mistakes as soon as you notice them , by posting either in this thread or in new threads. We are constantly updating - the Questions, the options, the answers. The Ranks GET UPDATED automatically. With regards, Netmedicos |
drvijay Total Posts: 65 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 09:59 pm mediators in pain..ans..bradykinin folding proteins is chaperones.. rheumatoid factor represent antibody.. in cushing syndrome present is metabolic alkalosis,hypokalemia hartman's procedure is colostomy along questions regarding 1.rete testis 2.conus syndrome 3.secretin function4.non proliferating/proliferating glomerulonephritis 5.a father low mood decrease sleep whose got leukaemia & on treatment..6.vascular permeability.7.differentiating acute tubular necrosis & uti.apoprotein c 8.not an antianxiety drug. 9.cause of placenta accreta 10.diaphramatic hernia with et tube next management.. |
kkrish Total Posts: 274 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:15 pm one q was der regarding lymph flow..whic is true.. inc by standing.. massaging the foot lifting the foot.. |
Adidoc2k1 Total Posts: 60 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:15 pm see in the ques 55 yr old lady with simple hyperpalsia with atypia(malignancy chance 8%), iknow best choice in simple hyperplasia is peogestin(but then why not mirena "mirena is as good as hysterectomy in cases of endometrial hyperpalsia"-dutta, so by exclusion both should not be the answer rather Hysterectomy may be good in a 55 yr old As there is atypia as well.that's my opinion what say kkrish. |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:23 pm ya hysterectomy only correct.. in my opinion |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:30 pm CNS syphilis Procaine better ans as it crosses BBB ...benzathine does not |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:33 pm but tripathi gives benzanthine |
Adidoc2k1 Total Posts: 60 | Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:00 am the options in one of recanalisation ques were: yucca ring hulka clip rest bipolar n unipolar cautery. such hebrew words were prevalent thoughout the paper. |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:35 am the question is in which method there is less failure |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 01:24 am hey verasian this is a reference from harrison 16th NEUROSYPHILIS Penicillin G benzathine, given in total doses of up to 7.2 million units to adults, or 50,000 units/kg to infants, does not produce detectable concentrations of penicillin G in CSF28, and asymptomatic neurosyphilis may relapse in patients treated with 2.4 million units; the risk may be higher in HIV2-infected patients. Therefore, the use of penicillin G benzathine alone for the treatment of neurosyphilis is not recommended. On the other hand, administration of intravenous penicillin G in recommended doses is thought to ensure treponemicidal concentrations of penicillin G in CSF. The clinical response to penicillin therapy for meningeal syphilis is dramatic, but the response to treatment for parenchymal neurosyphilis is variable. In general, treatment of neurosyphilis with existing damage may produce no clinical change but may arrest disease progression. role of benzathine peniciilinG is given in previous paragraph "The recommended treatment for late latent syphilis with normal CSF, for cardiovascular syphilis, and for late benign syphilis (gumma) is penicillin G benzathine, 2.4 million units intramuscularly once a week for 3 successive weeks (7.2 million units total)." |
bommi Total Posts: 16 | Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 01:27 am which CA in MEN1 in pancreas is associated with 1gastrinoma 2 insulinoma 3 glucognoma 4 ?? pancreas was specified |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 01:40 am actually in KDT it is given that initially cystalline pencillin then shift to benzathine.. do crystallin pencillin in choice |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 01:43 am even pancreas is specified it is gastrinoma |
drvijay Total Posts: 65 | Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 03:14 am treatment for cml is imatinib |
drvijay Total Posts: 65 | Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 03:18 am transretinoic acid is given for? acute promyelocytic |
drvijay Total Posts: 65 | Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 03:22 am gumma is seen in which type syphilis ? tertiary |
drvijay Total Posts: 65 | Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 03:25 am community health centre is refferal at which level? isit secondary? |
Adidoc2k1 Total Posts: 60 | Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 05:52 am q.sorting of protein is done in a. peroxisome b.golgi bodies....ans c. d. the question was a repeat from this yr pgi dec 2k7,also the prion one(least susceptible one) |
Adidoc2k1 Total Posts: 60 | Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 06:11 am q. pick bodies in pick's disease have inclusion: a.hyperphosphorylated tau............ans(confirmed) b.ubiquitin c.alpha-synuclein d.beta-synuclein q. biondi ring tangles present in a. choroid plexus epithelium......ans(confirmed) b. golgi type 1 cell c. chadeleer cells d. basket cell |
shubham1111gupta Total Posts: 11 | Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:52 am Q. no. 80 actual Q. was on barthonian abscess and not CYST and an sis I&D |
Admin Total Posts: 890 | Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 01:29 pm Dear Users, 200 questions have been updated in Rank projector. More coming today... With regards, Netmedicos |
verasian Total Posts: 63 | Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 02:34 pm i think two questions are repeated in the rank projector |
shva Total Posts: 1 | Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 03:54 pm hyoid bone is fractured and strangulation marks are seen in "hanging" |
jyotik Total Posts: 2 | Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 02:14 pm hi!! q- type of joint between ear ossicles? 1.pri cartilagenous 2.sec cartilagenous 3.synovial 4.fibrous q-organism not causing meningitis in elderly? 1.strp pneumoniae 2.herper simplex virus2 3.N.meningitis 4.L.monocytogenes |
jyotik Total Posts: 2 | Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 02:17 pm correction drug used in severe hypertencion in pregnancy? 1.labetolol 2.methyldopa 3.magnesium sulphate 4.???? |
Admin Total Posts: 890 | Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 03:01 pm Please post the question that has been repeated in rank projector so that we can remove it. |
nab Total Posts: 12 | Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 03:46 pm Q1. best investigation for interstitial lung ds. 4th option wasventilation perfusion scan |
drvijay Total Posts: 65 | Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 03:55 pm Q147 &Q188 on who coined dementia praecox?was repeated in rank projector. kindly arrange to make it one. |
nab Total Posts: 12 | Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 04:22 pm Q. 2 (Correction) commonest cause of delayed puberty in males A) Constitutional delay B) klinefelters C) noonans synd. D)? Q.4 (Correction) which is CI in trial of labour following C/S A)H/O classicalC/S B)Breech C)Xray pelvimetry not available D)no previous vaginal delivery Q.8 treatment of type 2 lepra reaction one option was chloroquin Q. 11 correction osteosarcoma of mandible occuring as a secondary aft treatment of retinoblastoma Q.14 rib notching B) Rickets C)pulmonary AV fistula Q.15 Abbe estlander flap Option C was mandible rather than nose |
drvijay Total Posts: 65 | Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 04:23 pm sorry.Q47 & Q188 was repeated in rank projector.kindly arrange to make it one. |
nab Total Posts: 12 | Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 04:31 pm Q. 16 (Correction) Long term hemodialysis is associated with deposion of A)beta 2 microglobulin B)transthyretin? C)pyrin D)beta amyloid protein My doubt is that beta 2 microglobulin is the normal precursor protein. is it deposited or is it beta amyloid protein? Q.17 (correction) drug in severe HT in pre eclampsia A)alpha methyl dopa(ANS) B)labetalol C)nifedipine D)metaprolol |
nab Total Posts: 12 | Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 05:01 pm Q.19 not antifungal last option was undecylenic acid Q.20 pain, ureteric stone last option was rupture ureter with extravasation of urine Q.24 (correction) immunomodulator used topically in genital warts A)imiquimod B)tacrolimus C)podophyllin D)? Q.27 migratory thrombophlebitis A/E option C was GIT rather than stomach Q.31 MCC of maternal mortality in india last option was anaemia Q.32 MC type of CA thyroid one option was follicular CA Q. 35 Treatment of cml one option was infliximab Q. 38 Ca cervix caused by Last option was herpes simplex Q.39 Clomiphene citrate acts through C)acting synergisticaly with estrogen D)inhibit gonadotropin secretion Q. 40 not true abt RDA A)Fixed by a special group of experts B) According to intense scientific data C) Applies to all healthy adults D) Gives required intake |
nab Total Posts: 12 | Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 02:29 am Q.44 Drug for prophylaxis of diptheria one option was tetracycline Q.45 Drug not used in enteric fever last option was ceftriaxone Q.49 irretractible persistant glaucoma caused by option A was diffuse iris melanoma Q.50 not a digastric muscle option C was muscle fibres in ligament of treitz rather than pectineus pectineus was an option for composite muscle Q.53 optimum for spermatogenesis last option was temperature in accordance to testosterone metabolism Q.54 Morula A)surrounded by trophoblast B)moves actively alon fallopian tube C)unimplanted embyo secretes HCG D)? Q.55 best way to diagnose anal fissure A)DRE B)USG C)Anoscopy D)history and visualisation(ANS) Q.56 RTA with fracture left 9th, 10th ribs, pain left hypochondrium, hemodynamically stable. next step A) Immediate laparotomy B) Further workup to search any intra abdominal injury C) Observation D)? Q.57 Vocal cord nodules Last option was biopsy to R/O malignancy Q.59 Gall stones, symptoms controlled A)immediate lap. cholecystectomy B)lap. cholecystectomy aft 2 months even if assymptomatic C) Cholecystectomy only if presents with biliary colic D)? |
nab Total Posts: 12 | Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 02:32 am Q.60 18yr old male presents with sudden onset pain one side scrotum, mild fever. all true except SAME AS Q.200 A)treat with antibiotics B)treat by manual rotation of testes C)if torsion not treated it leads to testicular loss D)? Q.61 Nigro protocol B) chemo and radiotherapy followed by surgery C) radical surgery D)? Q.62 All used in PPH except last option was misoprostol Q.66 supplementation with heparin in pregnancy one option was zinc Q.67 erythropoitin administration in chr. renal failure all except last option was reduces need for blood transfusion Q.73 platelet tranfusion in ITP C)2hrs before surgery D)just before surgery Q.74 drawbacks of rhythm/ calender method except B)higher incidence of ectopic pregnancy (not congenital malformation) D)lower incidence of ?? (something advantageous of the method)(ANS) Q.75 Placenta accreta MC following C)C/S D)central placenta previa Q.78 abortion stick B)placental seperation C)infection |
nab Total Posts: 12 | Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 02:36 am Q.80 Middle aged lady with small cystic mass in vulva near bartholins gland, pain on walking and coitus. best management last option was antibiotics Q.92 Drug causing prolonged QT interval B)digitalis C)diltiazem Q.100 pollicisation B)Shortening of fingers C)amputation of thumb D)toe thumb grafting Q.103 Cold AIHA last option was IgA Q.110 Newborn with massively distended abd with gas under diaphragm both sides C)Meconium plug with ileus D)Anal atresia Q.113 (Corrected) Chronic alcoholic one yr back, presents now with severe abdominal pain radiating to back, responds to analgesic. duct was found dilated with stones in pancreatic tail. management A)Pancreatic tail resection B)Whipples operation C)Analgesic till he responds D)? Q.115 flumazenil(except?? not sure) A)Diazepam antagonist B)diazepam partial agonist C)opioid antagonist D)? Q.116 Earliest to occur in females A)Breast nodule and axillary bud B)Pubic and axillary hair C)menarche D)? Q.117 False regarding volvulus A)sigmoidoscopy not done B)more common in psychiatric patients C)Pain abdomen relieved by passing large flatus D)? Q.119 earliest radiological sign of pulmonary veinous hypertension last option was oligaemia |
nab Total Posts: 12 | Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 02:38 am Q.126 Live attenuated vaccine, FALSE is A)Provides lifelong immunity with single dose B)no need for booster dose C)2 live vaccines cant be given together(ANS) D)? Q.128 Familial hypertriglyceridemia with inc. VLDL and Chylomicrons last option was Type 2b Q.129 completed family size one option was gross fertility rate Q.131 photo electric effect is C)photon absorbed and energy emitted(not sure of wordings) Q.132 Chronic diarrhoea, on colon biopsy crypt banching, crypt abcess, crypt... most probable diagnosis A)UC B)Chrons C)Collagenous colitis D)Microcolitis Q.134 which movement helps in locking of knee during standing A)Internal rotation of femur on fixed tibia B)external rotation of femur on fixed tibia C)internal rotation of tibia on fixed femur D)external rotation of tibia on fixed femur Q.135 best veiw for C1-C2 fracture (NOT T1-T2) Q.136 posterior column carries all except A)pressure (not touch) D)Vibration Q.137 diffuse axonal injury associated with B)cerebral contusion C)EDH Q.138 All are found in the RESPIRATORY PART of lungs except A)Clara B)kulchitzky C)Brush D)? Q.139 whipples ds one option was granulomatous infiltration of lamina propria of jejunum Q.140 true about breast swelling with pain in PUERPERAL PERIOD A)infected from infants GIT organisms B)May develop abcess and require aspiration C)M.C. causative organism is E.coli D)Treat with antibiotics(not sure) Q.142 Okazaki fragment A)single stranded DNA REPLICATION B)Transciption C)ds DNA replication D)translation Q.144 active form of Ca B)Bound to carbonate C)bound to albumin Q.145 epispadias ANS B)seperation of symphisis pubis Q.147 Invilvement of following in not seen in LOW (not high) Radial N injury A)Brachiradialis B)extensor carpi radialis C)loss of finger extension D)loss of sensation over dorsum of hand |
nab Total Posts: 12 | Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 02:39 am Q.149 Hyperkeratosis and papules over palms and soles one option was Xeroderma pigmentosa Q.150 Meningitis in elderly option D was H.inflenzae not N.meningitidis Q.151 not true regarding measles C)high secondary attack rate D)not infectious in prodromal phase Q.154 25 yrs female with bloody discharge from nipple, small nodule with single duct involvement seen. Management A)microdochotomy B)Simple mastectomy C)Radical duct excision D)radical mastectomy Q.155 commonest presentation of transfusion reaction B)Palpable purpura C)hemolytic anaemia D)? (febrile was present in one option only, not two) Q.156 (Corrected) True about bradykinin A)causes pain sensation B)bronchodilation C)vasoconstriction D)decreased capillary permeability Q.157 sorting of protein third option was lysosome Q.159 mother with previous CAH C)just after conception D)do chorionic villus sampling then give steroid Q.160 Histelbergers sign A)Vestibular schwanoma B)cholesteatoma C)Facial n... D)bells palsy Q.161 (Corrected) A 75 yrs man with conductive hear loss and tinnitus, dull reflex on tympanic membrane, B type tympanogram, posterior triangle nodes palpable A)Nasopharyngeal CA B)Middle ear malignancy C)? D)? Q.162 25 yrs male with sudden chest pain.. ECG Xray normal with only tachycardia A)Panick attack B)angina pectoris C)vasovagal syncope D)myocardial infarction Q.163 Cerebral blood flow last option was Depends on severity of exercise Q.166 TRUE about kawasakis ds(not false) A)MC small vessel vasculitis in children B)iv immunoglobulin is given only in cases of aneurysm C)coronary aneurysm occurs in 25percent untreated cases(ANS) D)diagnosed by lymph node biopsy |
nab Total Posts: 12 | Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 02:42 am Q.170 preffered route of nutrition in acute pancreatitis is last option was intravenous Q.172 (corrected) Male child with anal atresia and MECONURIA. Management A)sigmoid colostomy B)anoplasty C)perineal exploration D)? Q.173 radiocontrast reactions option B) will be delayed hypersensitivity Q.176 (corrected) least contamination of urine sample by A)midstream urine B)suprapubic aspiration C)from folleys catheter D)from urine bag Q.179 A woman with progressive dysphagia for bot liquids and solids, on ba swallow tapering end of esophagus one option was CA esophagus Q.181 (Corrected) true about tertiary syphilis A)Gummas B)all untreated cases progess to tertiary stage C)Highly infectious D)? Q.187 RH factor one option was Lipopolysaccharide Q.194 MC post. mediastinal tumour one option was lymphoma Q.195 most sensitive test for acute knee injury C)Pivot D)Mc Murray's Q.197 p53 all true except A)present on chr 17 B)produces 53kd protein C)wild type p53 (normal type) associated with many chilhood neoplasms D)inhibits cell cycle at G2M phase Q.201 Man having lethargy, cant sleep at night, headache. son having leukemia. he is hopeful son will have prolonged remission, social interactions maintained. C)Somatoform disorder D)psychogenic headache Q.202 erectile dysfunction C)doppler arteriography D)? Q.203 final common nucleus for horizontal gaze A)abducent B)trigeminal C)occulomotor D)vestibular Q.204 sensation over great saphenous vein B)femoral N C)tibial N D)peroneal N Q.205 Seretin FALSE is A)inhibit gastric secretion B)increase pancreatic secretion C)increase secretion and acity of bile(ANS) D)Inhibit gastrin release Q.206 H5N1 one option was HIV Q.208 Which is not ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM protein (not muscle protein) A)Dystrophin B)Sarcoglycan C)dystroglycan D)perlecan? Q.209 worst prognosis in AML ANS monosomy 7 Q.211 WHO definition of Low vision (not blindness) A)Corrected vision <6/18, >3/60 B)Corrected vision <6/18, >6/60 C)Uncorrected vision <6/18, >3/60 D)Uncorrected vision <6/18, >6/60 Q.214 glucose 6 phosphatase absent in C)Kidney D)GIT Q.217 Ca binding protein trigerring muscle contraction B)Tropomyosin C)Actin D)? Q.220 not indication of induction of labour last option was Heart Disease(ANS) Q.221 About rubella all true except A)MC manifestation PDA B)PDA more common in girls C)? D)? Q.222 65yr old diabetic man with pain ankle, swelling, on x ray joint destroyed, osteophytes seen. management all except A)Compression bandage and rest B)Arthrodesis C)total ankle replacement D)Arthrocentesis Q.223 (corrected)Floatation test may be absent in a live born fetus in A)Atelectasis B)Emphysema C)Asthma D)aspiration of amniotic fluid Q.224 Isoelectric substances transported across cell membrane by A)Porin B)Lipopolysacharide Q.225 (Corrected)About sevoflurane FALSE is A)Low blood gas coefficient B)Less cardiosupressant than isoflurane C)MAC higher than desflurane D)less irritant than desflurane Q.226 About measuring BP by sphygmomanometer A)Always less than intraarterial catheter value(ANS) B)Same value measured by different observers at different times C)Same as aneroid manometer D)? Q.228 bronchial art supplies blood upto B)terminal bronchiole C)alveoli D)tertiary bronchi Q.229 (Corrected) Diagnosis of vaginal epithelial cells on penis is done by A)Phenolphthalein B)Lugols iodine C)Iodine D)KOH Q.231 recurrent abortions not seen in A)Syphilis/TORCH? B)Antiphospholipid antibody C)Rh incompatibility(ANS) D)Chromosomal disorder Q.232 (Corrected) Below 2 yrs boy with torticollis, multiple bony hard masses. NOT true is A)Associated with BMPR mutation B)Has hallux valgus C)Normal life expectancy D)Associated with pneumonia Q.233 equal duration of interview between cases and controls reduces which bias A)berkesonian bias B)selection bias C)Recall bias D)observer bias? Q.237 Triple reflex is due to A) Vasoconstriction due to axon reflex B)endothelial damage C)Mast cell stimulation due to pain D)? Q.238 Intraspinal extramedullary tumors not true A)Brown sequrd synd in laterally placed tumors B)Present descending sensory loss C)Present with muscle fasciculation D)late motor involvement Q.240 Function of MIP-2 protein A)Maintaining hydration of lens B)glycolysis C)Facilitated diffusion of materials across lens D)? Q.229 and 241 r same Q.242 Allergic fungal synusitis, diagnostic criteria all EXCEPT A)Type 1 hypersensitivity B)Hyperdense mass in CT C)orbital extension D)eosinophils and fungal hyphae in mucous aspirate Q.243 Conus syndrome all except A)Saddle anaesthesia B)plantar flexor response C)Absent ankle jerk D)involvement of lower three sacral and coccygeal segments Q.244 Gomez classification all true except B)50th percentile boston USA std. taken as reference C)based on chances of mortality in hospital D)75% indicates grade 2 malnutrition Q.245 not seen in hemithyroidectomy B)Recurrent laryngeal N palsy C)External laryngeal N palsy D)Hematoma Q.246 Diptheria like colitis seen in C)arsenic D)Mercury Q.247 Chorionic villous sampling not done in A)Downs B)Neural tube defect(ANS) C)beta thalessemia D)macular dystrophy Q.248 ICDS does not include A)otitis media B)Neonatal tetanus C)malaria D)measles |
nab Total Posts: 12 | Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 02:46 am Hi, i have suggested corrections and options for the rank projector as much as i could with my memory. here r a few repeat questions which i noted Q.60 18yr old male presents with sudden onset pain one side scrotum, mild fever. all true except SAME AS Q.200 Q.41 and Q.148 about oxygen free radicals(NADPH) is same. Q.45 and 169 Regarding treatment of enteric fever is same. hope these will help in updating the rank projector |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 03:16 pm gr8 job nab! u've remembered quite difficult options..hope u can add a few more if u remember |
litfiba Total Posts: 38 | Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 01:52 am q 251 ans is not fibrinoid necrosis.. refer picture and subheading on pg 983-84 of robbins.. |
lazyguy666 Total Posts: 42 | Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 04:47 am hey admin given up on completing the rank projector??! |