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Angelina Total Posts: 130 | Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 10:59 pm 1. Vision 2020 right to sight doesn’t include a) Cataract b) Trachoma c) Epidemic conjunctivitis d) Onchocerciasis ANS:b) 2. CCA bifurcates at a) Cricoid b) Thyroid cartilage c) Angle of mandible d) Sternoclavicular joint ANS:a) 3. Most common ectopic site of the pancreas is a) Splenic hilum b) Stomach c) Jejunum d) Appendix ANS:a) 4. Aldosterone receptors are not seen in a) Distal nephron b) Colon c) hippocampus d) liver ANS:c)?? 5. which of the following protein is not synthesized in liver a) immunoglobulin b) c3 complement c) fibrinogen d) haptoglobin ANS:a) 6. 9month pregnant lady presents wit jaundice abdominal distension pedal edema.though she deliverd a normal baby her clinical condition deteriorated with increasing abdominal distension.her bilirubin is 5d/dl ,sap was 445u/l and elevated liver enzymes,tender hepatomegaly 6cm bcm.her ascetic fluid shows 3g/dl albumin and 10 lymphocytes/ml a) Acute liver failure b) Acute budd chiari syndrome c) Fatty liver of pregnancy d) HELLP syndrome ANS:b) 7. iron is most commonly absorbed from a.duodenum and upper jejunum b.lower jejunum c.stomach d.ileum ANS:a) 9.arsenic is useful in treatment of a.APML b.Myelodysplastic syndrome c.Transient myeloproliferative disordes d.ALL ANS:a) 10.AST/ ALT is >1 in a.NASH cirrhosis b.Wilsons’ c.Alcoholic hepatitis d.All ANS:d) 11.Cu excretion in all except a.Fulminant hepatic failure b.Hepatic tumors c.Sclerosing cholangitis d.Primary biliary cirrhosis ANS:b) 12.A patient presents with Chronic diaarhea anaemia and raised liver enzymes.Most appropriate next investigation would be a.Anti smooth muscle antibody b.Anti endomysial antibody c.Anti mitochondrial antibody ANS:b) 13.A survey was done to study the effect of insulin dose and corresponding hba1c levels corrected for age.what would be the best test to study the relation Linear regression Logistic regression Pearson correlation Student t test Ans: D 14.Final product of purine metabolism in non primate mammals is a.Ionosine b.Xanthine c.Uric acid d.Allantoin ANS:b) 15.All are true about the blood pressure measurement except a.Korotkoff sound 4 correspond to intra-arterial diastolic blood pressure b.BP cuff should be 40% of arm circumference c.Small cuff gives rise to spuriously high bp d.Monkeberg sclerosis gives rise to spuriously high BP ANS:b) 16.21 years old male presents with anaemia (Hb=5g/dl)hepatosplenomegaly and history of single blood transfusion till date.most prob diagnosis is a.Thal intermedia b.Thal minor c.Thal major d.Autoimmune hemolytic anaemia ANS:a) 17.Which is not a Bcell marker ANS:a) 18.Vitamin which is excreted in urine is a.Vit c b.Vit a c.Vit d d.Vit k ANS:a 19.A 2yr old child on 8th day of 10 day cefaclor course presented with fever malaise lymphadenopathy and a mildly pruritic ras on body.what is the most likely diagnosis. a.Kawasaki disease b.Infectious mononucleosis c.Drug reaction ANS: A) 20.A full term neonate presented on 14th day with 18mg/dL of unconjugated bilirubin.What is the least likely diagnosis a.Breast milk jaundice b.Hypothyroidism c.G6PD deficiency d.Neonatal cholangoiopathy ANS:d) 21.Bile acid is synthesized from a.Cholesterol b.Bilirubin c.Glycine d.Lipoprotein ANS:a 22.Renin is secretd from a.Juxtaglomerular appratus b.Pct c.Dct d.Collecting ducts ANS:a) 23.JG appratus is formed by which part of nephron a.Pct b.Descending distal tubule c.Ascending distal tubule d.Glomerulus ANS: D) ( It is really confusing question but answer is glomerulus) Ref. Ganong 24.Which is an anti metabolite a.Methotrexate b.Cyclosporine c.Etoposide d.Vinblastine ANS:a) 25.Interstitial nephritis is seen in all except a.Diuretics b.Beta lactamase inhibitors c.Allopurinol d.isoniazid ANS:c) 26.which is not a characteristic feature of hemolysis a.burr cells and tear drop cells b.decreased haptogloboin levels c.hemoglobinuria d.reticulocytosis ANS:a) 27.Hypertension is not seen with a.Cyclosporin b.Nsaids c.Erthropoetin d.L-dopa ANS:d) 28.Not seen in rickets in infancy a.bow legs b.Craniotabes c.Rachitic rosary d.Wide open fontanelle ANS:a) 29.standard error is a.S.D/n b.S.D.n c.S.D./ n ANS:c) a sample of 100 people mean hb is 10 and standard deviation is one.what is the standartd error a.0.1 b.1 c.0.001 d.10 ANS:a) 31. a 3 year old child presented with pallor, petechial rash all over the body with history of pain abdomen 2 wks back. Spleen is not palpable.What is the most probable diagnosis a.Itp b.Aplstic anaemia c.Leukemia ANS:b) 32.what is not true for cow’s milk a.It has lower carbohydrate than breast milk b.It has higher potassium and sodium than infant formula feeds c.Higher protein than breast milk d.It contain more amount of whey protein than casein ANS:d 33. a child presented with fever non productive cough and mild dyspnoea.after the course of mild antibiotic the condition of child improved transiently but he again presented with high fever productive cough and increased respiratory distress with chest x ray showing hyperlucency and PFT shows severe obstructive changes.What is the ,most likely diagnosis a.Post viral syndrome b.Alveolar microlithasis c.Bronchiolitis obliterans d.Follicular bronchilitis ANS:c) 34.Max triglyceride levels are seen in a.Chylomicron b.HDL c.VLDL d.LDL ANS:a) 35.Mechanism of action of imatinib mesylate a.Increase in metabolism of P glycoprotein b.Blocking the action of p glycoprotein c.Blocks action of chimeric fusion protein of bcr-abl d.competitive inhibition of ATP binding site ANS:c) 36.To expose subclavian artery which need not be cut a.Sclaneus medius b.Sclaneus anticus c.Sternocleidomastoid d.Omohyoid Ans:a surgery for right thoracic outlet syndrome which is not seen as complication a.Long thoracic nerve injury b.Brachial plexus injury c.Lymphatic fistula d.Pneumothorax Ans:a) 38 bone marrow aplasia is not seen with a.Chloramphenicol b.Methicillin c.Alpha methyl hydantoin d.Chlorpromazine Ans. B 39 a pregnant female takin carbimazole,which is not seen in the neonate? a.Choanal atresia b.Scalp defects c.Cleft lip/palate d.Fetal goiter ANS:a) 40.Which is not an antiemetic? a.Ondansetron b.Domperidone c.Phenacizine d.Cyclizine Ans:d) 41.reticulocytosis is not seen in? a.Acute haemorrhage b.Hemolysis c.Nutritional anemia d.Dyserythropoietic syndrome Ans:c0 42.which is not an endogenous catecholamine? a.Dopamine b.Dobutamine c.Adrenaline d.Noradrenaline Ans:b 43.most rapid method to detect X /Y in intersex? a.Conventional karyotyping b.FISH c.SSCP 1 d.PCR Ans:b 44.PCR doesn’t require a.Primer b.d-NTP c.taq polymerase d.radiolabelled DNA probe Ans:d 45.Maximum incidence of impotence is seen with the following hypertensevise a.CCBs b.Beta blockers c.A2RB d.ACE inhibtors Ans:b 46.Earliest phenotypic expression in idiopathic hereditary Hemochromatosis a.Post prandial rise in serum iron level b.Slate grey pigmention of skin c.Elevated ferritin levels d.Increase transferring saturation Ans:a 47.which isn’t dialyzable a.Copper sulphate b.Barbiturates c.Methyl alchol d.Ethylene glycol Ans:a 48.20 year old girl presents with 9m history of neck swelling throtoxic symptoms.On investigation icreased t4 and decreased tsh with 2cm nodule on palpation.what is the next investigation a.USG b.Thyroid scan c.Radioactive iodine uptake d.C.T Ans:c 49.Oxygen toxicity can cause all except a.Increased pulmonary compliance b.Decreased vital capacity c.Atelectatic collapse d.Endothelial damage Ans:a 50.Spongy mass with sunburst calcification in center seen in CT is seen in a.Mucinous cystadenoma CA b.Serous Cystadenoca c.Somatostationoma d.Adenocarcinoma pancreas Ans:c |
Angelina Total Posts: 130 | Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:00 pm 51.Pitutary apoplexy is not associated with which of the following medical conditions a.DM b.Hyperthyroidism c.Sickle cell anaemia d.Hypertension Ans:b 52.which of the following is not a life threating complication of DM a.Malignant otitis externa b.Emphysematous pyelonephritis c.Emphysematous appendicitis d.Rhinocerebarl mucormycosis Ans:b 53.not part of comprehensive emergency obstetrics care a.Blood transfusion b.Manual removal of placenta c.Caesarean section d.Hysterectomy Ans:b 54.which is not true about ASHA a.Skilled birth attendant b.1/1000 rural population c.Mobiliser of ante natal care d.Femal voluntary worker Ans:a 55.A patient of infective endocarditis with pseudomonas etiology is most likely to be a.On steroids b.Eldery with community acquired pneumonia c.Drug addict taking pentazocine d.Splenectomy Ans:a 56.clubbing is not seen in a.Aortic dissection b.Tricuspid atresia c.Fungal endocarditis d.Pulmonary AV fistula Ans:a 57.which of the following is charectristic histological feature of solitary rectal ulcer a.A band of collagen subepithelialy b.Intraepithelial collection of lymphocytes c.Crypt distortion d.Increased muscle layer proliferation Ans:a 58.Water hammer pulse is seen in a.AR b.AS c.MS d.MR Ans:a 59.Endothelin doesn’t cause a.Bronchodilation b.Vasoconstriction c.Decreased GFR Ans:a 60.What is not seen in isometric exercise a. Increased mean arterial pressure b. Increased systemic vascular resistance c. Increased cardiac output d. Increased heart rate Ans: b 61. muscle relaxant of choice in renal and hepatic failure a.Cis atracurium b.Vecuronium c.Socuronium d.Rapacurium Ans:a 62.Digoxin action is not affected in a.Hepatic disease b.Electrolyte disturbance c.Renal failure d.Mi Ans:a 63.most common congenital abnormality in type 1 DM a.NTD b.Cardiac anomaly c.Renal anomaly Ans:a 64.A 60 yr old gentleman undergoes TURP.After 3 days the patient developed altered sensorium and drowsiness.what ios the most probable cause a.Hyponatremia b.Hypernatermia c.Cerebal infarction d.Meningitis due to spinal anaesthesia Ans:a 65. marker of hepatocellular ca are all except a.Alfa feto protein b.PIVKA 2 c.Neurotensin d.Alfa2a globulin Ans:c 66. 1st substrate of kreb’s cycle is a.Pyruvate b.Glycine c.HCl d.Lipoprotein Ans:a 67. which of the following doesnot take place in mitochondrion? a.Urea cycle b.EMP pathway c.ETC d.Kreb cycle Ans:b 68. ultimate breakdown of glucose into co2 and water occurs in a.Food vacuole b.Mitochondrion c.Cytosol d.Ribosome Ans:b 69. drug used to decrease mortality and renal failure in alcoholic hepatitis a.Pentoxofyline b.S adenosyl methionine c.Syrlamysin d.Orlistat Ans:a 70. elevated JVP with shock is seen in all except a.Cardiac tamponade b.Type 2 AV block c.heart failure d.RVMI Ans:b 71. Naloxone is contraindicated in neonatal resuscitation if the mother is on a.Cocaine b.Amphetamine c.Methadone d.Phencyclidine Ans:b 72.myopathy is not a feature of a.X liked hypophosphetemis rickets b.Oncogenic osteomalacia c.Nutritional osteomalacia d.Cushings Ans:c 73.merit of nasotracheal intubation is a.Good oral hygine b.Less infection c.Less bleeding d.More displacement of endotracheal tube Ans:a 74.Which is not done in case of pheochromocytoma a.FNAC b.MRI c.CT d.MIBG Ans:a 75.Which of the following is not sensitive to Radiotherapy a.Ewings sarcoma b,Osteosarcoma c.Wilms’ d.Neuroblastoma Ans:b 76.male gynaecomastia is seen with a.Clomiphene b.Testolactone c.Spironolactone d.Tomoxifen Ans:c 77.BNP is degraded by a.Neutral endopeptidase b.Elastase c.Omapatrilat Ans:a 78.CEA levels aren’t increased in a. Osteosarcoma b.Breast Ca c.Colon Ca d.Bronchiogenic Ca Ans:a 79.Gold Std. for measurement of intra cranial tension is a.Intraventricular catheter b.Subarachnoid bolt c.Epidural cathter d.Parenchymal electrode Ans:a 80.the agent associated with catheter related infection is a.Coagulase positive staph b.Coaglase negative staph c.Gram negative bacilli d.Enetrobacter Ans:b 81.most common cause of neonatal sepsis in India a. Klebsiella b.e.coli c.staph aureus d. listeria Ans.b 82.most frequently Nerve used in peri operative monitoring is a.Ulnar b.Radial c.Median d.Facial Ans a 83.Muscle used for testing facial nerve is a.Masseter b. orbicularis oris c.Temporalis d.Sternocleodomastoid Ans: b 84.Which cell doesn’t migrate and come at the apex of the crypt of the small intestine a. Paneth cell b.Goblet cell c.Endocrine cell d.Enterocyte Ans a 85.which of the following is not an essential amino acid a.Alanine b.leucine c.lysine dmethionine Ans : a 86. active form of vit d is a.1OH vit D b.1,25 di OH vit D c.24,25 di OH vit D d.25 OH vit D ans b 87. A female neonate shows features of virilization and presence of hypertension.Which is the most likely enzyme deficiency responsible? a)11-beta hydrpxylase b)21 beta hydroxylase c)17 beta hydroxylase ANS:a) 88.vit A overdose leads to injury of a.Mitochondria b.Lysosome c.ER d.Microtubule Ans d 89.whic of the following don’t cause loffler’s syndrome a. Toxocara b.Giardia c.l-tryptophan d.Strongyloides Ans b 90.Bilateral ovarian tumor is a. Endodermal sinus tumor b. Embryonal cell ca c.Dermoid d.Dysgerminoma Ans b 91.which of the following is histological finding of endodermal sinus tumor a.Schiller-duval bodies b.Rs cell c. multinucleated giant cell d.Plasma cells Ans a 92.Michlle gutman body is seen is a Melakoplakia Ans a 93.which doen’t cause activation of NO a.Fenaldopam b.Hydralazine c.Niroprusside d.Nitrogycerine Ans a 94.charcoal hemoperfusion is useful in a.Barbiturate poisoning b.Methyl alchol c.Salicylates d.Digoxin Ans a 95.A pt presented with malena and haemetemisis for 2 dats.intial upper gi endoscopy was found to be normal.there was another episode of bleeding during hospital stay..what is the next best investigation a.Angiography b.Repeat endoscopy on bleeding c.Urgent surgery Ans b 96.All are seen in Addison’s disease except a.Serum cortisol<8mmol /L b.Decreased renin c.Decreased Diastolic BP d.Cardiac Arophy ans b 97.Which is true about pseudo membranous colitis a.Toxin A has role in its pathogenesis b.Toxin B has role in pathogenesis c.Summit lesion is a early histological finding d.Bleeding stools is a common feature Ans a 98.Acute GVHD involves all except a.Skin b.Git c.Liver d.Lung ans d 99.which of the following intervention leads to increase birth weight a.Quit smoking b. Bed rest c.Calcium and magnesium supplements ans a 100.Which of the following is not a feature of apoptosis a.Inflammatory reaction b.Clumping of chromatin c.Cell shrinkage d.Chromosomal breaks ans a |
Angelina Total Posts: 130 | Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:02 pm 101.which of the following is the best investigation for diagnosing colonic diverticulosis? a.Colonoscopy b.Barium enema c.Nuclear scan d.CT scan ans a 102. LJ chart is used for estimating: a) Accuracy b) Precision c) Specificity d) Sensitivity ANS: A 103.a 60 year old man with sensorineural deafness and bony abnormality in left leg has s.ca2+-9.5 and alkaline phosphate 440mu/l skeletal survey shows ivory vertebra and cotton wool spots on skull most probable diagnosis a.Paget’s disease b.Osteosclerotic mets c.Osteoporosis d.fibrous dysplasia ans a 104.most common site of histocytosis X is a.Bone b.Skin c.Liver d.Lung ans a 105.which is not an essential criterion for screening test a.High sensitivity b.High specificity c.Low cost d.Low risk. Ans b 106.Screening of which cancer is a/w decreased mortality rates? a-colon b-lung c-kidney ans a 107.Pudendal nerve has the root value of? a-S2-S3 bS1-S2 c T12-L1 d L2-L3 Ans a 108. FK 506 is a type of a.Immunoglobin antibody b.Non depolarizing muscle relaxant c.Macrolide antibiotic d.Opioid anaesthetic ans c 109.Which of the foll is the least common complication of measles? a-diarrhoea b pneumonia -c otitis media -d SSPE ans d 110.Brucellosis can be transmitted by all of the following except? a-contact with infected placenta b-ingestion of raw vegetables c-person to person transmission d-inhalation of infected dust or aerosol ans c 111.not true about lepromin test is a-negative in most children in first 6 month of life b-it is a diagnostic test -c important aid to classify type of leprosy disease -d BCG may convert neg rxn to positive ans b 112.Lice are not the vectors of a -relapsing fever b -Q fever c -Trench fever d -Epidemic typhus ans b 113.Which of the following is an example of disability limitation? a-reducing occurrence of polio by immunization b-arranging for schooling of child suffering from PRPP c-resting affected limbs in neutral position d-provide calipers for walking ans c 114.Which one of the following is used for the estimation of the chlorine demand of water? a-chlorometer b-horrock’apparatus c-berkfeld filter d-double pot method ans b 115. In which of the foll heart dis maternal mortality is found to be highest? a-Eisenmenger’s complex b-Coarcation of aorta c-mitral stenosis -d aortic stenosis ans a 116 .Mucopolyasaccharide hyaluronic acid is present in a)Aqueous humour b)vitreous humour c)lens d)cornea Ans.b)vitreous humour 117: Which of the following Doesn’t handle free radical in lens? a) Vit A b) Vit C c) Vit E d) Catalase Ans.: a) Vitamin A 118. which of the following drug is not used for Methicillin Resistant Staph. Aureus (MRSA)? a) Cefaclor b) Cotrimoxazole c) Ciprofloxacin d) Vancomycin Ans. A) Cefaclor 119. Naltrexone is used in a case of opioid dependence :- a) To treat withdrawl symptoms b) To prevent relapse c) To treat overdose d) addiction potential Ans.: b) prevent relapse 120.An infant had high grade fever and respiratory distress at the time of presentation to the emergency room. The sample collected for blood culture was subsequently detected to be positive for growth of hemolytic colonies. On gram staining these were found to be gram positive cocci. In the screening test for group A streptococcus identification the suspected pathogen is likely to be susceptible to which of the following agents?. a) Bacitracin b) Novobiocin c) Optochin d) Oxacillin Ans. a) Bacitracin 121.Most common site affected in Hg poisoning in kids. a) PCT b) DCT c) Collecting tubule d) Loop of henle Ans: a) PCT 122.Spalding sign is seen in – a) Maceration b) Mummification c) Putrefaction d) Saponification Ans: Maceration 123: All of the following are aryl sulphate except a) Parathion b) Malathion c) Tic – 20 d) Diazinon Ans: b) Malathion 124. Which of the following retinal disease is transmitted as autosomal dominant trait. a) Bardet – Biedle syndrome b) Bassen korrizeig syndrome c) Best disease d) Gyrate atrophy Ans. c) Best disease 125.Childhood blindness is associated with all except a) Glaucoma b) Opthalmia neonatorum c) Malnutrition d) Congenital dacrocystitis Ans. (d) Congenital dacrocystitis. 126.bohler’s angle is seen in: a) calcaneum b) talus c) navicular d) cuboid ans, a) calcaneum 127. Osteoarthritis of knee leads to weakness of mainly: a) hamstrings b) quadriceps c) both a and b d) gastronemius Ans. B) quadriceps 128. ) which of the following is a marker for heterotrophic bone marker? a) Alk. Phosphatase b) Acid Phosphatase c)Serum Ca++ d) Serum (PO4)3- Ans. A) Alkaline Phosphatase 129. Which of the following is a tuberculid a) Lupus vulgaris b) Scrofuloderma c) Lichen scrofulosorum d) Tubercular verucosa cutis Ans c) lichen scrofulosorum 130. HRT is helpful in all except: a. Vaginal atrophy b. Flushing c. Coronary heart disease d. Osteoporosis Ans. ( C) Coronary heart disease 131. shape of nulliparous cervix is- (a) transverse (b) longitudinal (c) circular (d) T shaped Ans- (c) circular 132. Most common cause of post menopausal bleeding in India is- (a) ca cervix (b) ca endometrium (c) senile endometritis (d) harmone replacement therapy ans-(a) ca cervix 133. which of the following is the most common site of tubal ligation: (a) ampulla (b) isthmus (c) interstitial (d) fimbria ans (b) isthmus 134 ) A woman gave birth to a premature baby of 34 weeks. The baby showed bullous lesions all over the body and X-ray shows periosteitis.What should be the next investigation? a)VDRL for mother and baby b) ELISA for HIV c) PCR for TB d) HBsAg for mother Ans is a)VDRL for both mother and baby 135. All of the following reflexes are formed at birth except? a)rooting reflex b)symmetric tonic neck reflex c)Asymmetric tonic neck reflex d)crossed extensor reflex Ans is b)Symmetric tonic neck reflex 136. ) Persistence of Moro’s reflex beyond which age is considered significant? a) 3 months b) 4 months c)5 months d)6 months Ans is d) 6 months 137. A 6 year old child has an I.Q. of 50. Which of the following can the child do? a)identify colors b)Read a sentence c)Ride a bicycle d)copy a triangle Ans is a)identify colors 138. . The drug of choice for obsessive compulsive disorder is: a) Fluoxetine b) Imipramine c) Thioridazine d) Haloperidol Ans: a) Fluoxetine 139. . Most common substance abuse in India: a) Cannabis b) Tobacco c) Alcohol d) Opium Ans a) cannabis It is a Controversial Question: Park say “ Most common drug abuse in India is Cannabis” Otherwise Tobaco is the Answer. 140. Which waves are not used for deep seated heat therapy? a) Short wave diathermy b) Micro Wave c) Infrared d) Ultra sonic wave Ans. C) Infrared 141. Which of the following is a benign polyp? a) Juvenile polyp b) Familial Adenomatous polyposis c) Juvenile polyposis d) Peutz Jegher’s syndrome Ans.) a) juvenile polyp 142. What is true about branchial cyst? a) cyst are more common than sinuses b) sinus should always be operated c) mostly arise from 2nd branchial arch d) cause dysphagia and hoarseness Ans: c) Mostly arise from 2nd branchial cyst 143. About sternocleidomastoid tumors, all are true except: a) always associated with breech b) spontaneous resolution in most cases. c)2/3rd have palpable neck mass at birth. d) Uncorrected cases develops plagiocephaly Ans: a) always associated with breech 144. A 3 year old child developmental mile stone normal with delayed speech and difficulty in communication, concentration,not making friends a) Autism b) ADHD c) Specific learning disability d) Mental retardation Ans. A 145.not seen in malignant hyperthermia a-hypertension b-DIC c-hyperkalemia d-bradycardia ANS:d 146.DIC is found to be associated with a-acute promyelocytic leukemia b-acute myelomonocytic leukemia c-AIHA d-CML ANS: a) 147not an acceptable method of randomization a-computer draw b-random number table c-odd/even hospital admission d-lottery system ANS:d) 148.which of the following stone can not be broken down by lithotripsy a-calcium oxalate b-magnesium ammonium phosphate c-uric acid d-cystine ANS:d) 149.increasing confidence level of an analysis will lead to a-significant results will now become insignificant b-insignificant result may become significant c-no change in significance ANS:a) 150.which of the following is true about free water clearance a-regulated by aldosterone b-regulated by ADH c-increased by furusemide injection d-none of the above ANS:b) |
Angelina Total Posts: 130 | Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:04 pm 151.which will prolong life in a patient of postMI a-w3 fatty acids b-high fiber diet c-steroids ANS:a) 152. Nile blue sulphate test is done to detect: a. Maturity of kidney b. Maturity of liver c. Maturity of skin d. Maturity of lungs Ans: c 153nephrocalcinosis is not seen in a-sarcoidosis b-distalRTA c-milk alkali syndrome d-medullary cystic kidney ANS:d) 154.which of the following is a least useful investigation in a patient of neurocardiogenic syncope a-tilt testing b-orthostatic BP recording c-carotid duplex scan d carotid sinus massage ANS:d) 155.O2 transfer to the tissue doesn’t depend on a-hemoglobin conc -b cardiac output c -type of fluid administered d O2 conc ANS:c) 156.which of the following is a cultivable virus- a-hepatitis A b- hepatitis B c- hepatitis D d- hepatitis E ANS:a) 157. a 26 year female presents with recurrent pregnancy loss laboratory examination shows isolated prolonged APTT. What is the most probable diagnosis? a-APLAS b-vonwillebrand disease c-DIC ANS:a 158.Thiamine def can be seen with all of the following except a-chronic alcoholic b-chronic diarrohea c-food faddist d-homocystnemia ANS:d) 159.plasma exchange therapy is therapeutic in a-HUS b-TTP c-AIHA d-DIC ANS:b) 160. MC comp of ERCP a-acute pancreatitis b-acute cholangitis c-jejunal perforation ANS:b) 161.Cerebral blood flow doesnot depend on? a)K+ b)CO2 c)Cerebral metabolic rate d)Blood pressure ANS:c 162Most important marker for both acute and chronic malnutrition: a. Weight for height b. BMI c. Weight for age d. Height for age Ans: c 163. Which is the best method to compare the results obtained by a new test and a gold standard test? a)Correlation study b)Regression study c)Bland and Altman analysis d)Kongarov Smrinov test ANS:c) 164. A 5 year old child has h/o recurrent URTI ,mouth breathing and impaired hearing.What is the most appropriate treatment? a)Tonsillectomy b)Adenoidectomy with grommet insertion c)Grommet insertion d)myringoplasty with grommet insertion ANS:b) 165. Treatment of choice for glue ear is? a)Medical only b)antibiotics c)Myringoplasty with grommet insertion d) Myringoplasty only ANS:c) 166. A young woman has bilateral hearing loss since 6 years.It has worsened in her pregnancy.What type of curve will her impedamce audiometry show? a)As b)Ad c)A d)B ANS:a) 167. A man takes peanut and develops tongue swelling, neck swelling, and hoarseness of voice. What is the most probable diagnosis? a. Angioneurotic edema b. FB bronchus c. Para pharyngeal abscess d. FB in larynx Ans: a 168. Which fruit juice helps in preventing UTI? a)Rasberry b)Cranberry c)Orange d)Grape ANS:b) 169. Which of the following charecterizes atkins diet? a)severly reduced fat content b)severly reduced carbohydrate content c)severly reduced protein content d)reduced mineral content ANS.b 170. Which drug should not be given in pregnancy? a) spironolactone b) ACE – c) Hydralazine d) Methyl dopa Ans b 171. Which of the following hormone deficiency is most common following radiation induced hypothalmo pituitary damage? a)GH b)ACTH c)Prolactin d)TSH Ans.a) 172. Orchidopexy for undescended testes is best done at the age of? a)<1 year b)1-2 years c)5 years d)puberty ANS:b) 173.A patient has carcinoma of right side of tongue,and a lymphnode 4x4cm on left side belonging to level 3.What is the stage? a)N1 b)N2 c)N3 d)N0 ANS:b) A 174 year old sfemale complains of primary amenorrhoea.She has b/l inguinal hernias,normal sexual development but no pubic hair. USG shows absent uterus and vagina.What is the most likely diagnosis? a)Turner's syndrome b)Androgen insensivity syndrome c)Mullerian agenesis ANS:b) 175. Amniotic fluid shows high levels of acetylcholinesterase.What does this suggest? a)Open spina bifida b)Gastroschisis c)Omphalocele d)Osteogenesis imperfecta ANS:a) 176. Which IUD can be used for a period of ten years? a)NOVA-T b)Cu t 380A c)Progestasert d)Lippes loop ANS:b) 177. A child presented with purpurae. He gives history of prolonged umbilical stump bleeding. The most likely diagnosis is: a. Factor XII deficiency b. Factor XIII deficiency c. vWF deficiency d. Factor X def Ans: b 178. A boy is suffering from acute pyelonephritis, most specific urinary finding will be? a. Leukocyte esterase test b. WBC casts c. Nitrite test d. Gram stain Ans: b 179.The most common gene defect in idiopathic steroid resistant nephritic syndrome is: a. ACE b. NPHS2 c. HOX11 d. PAX Ans: b 180. Most common biochemical abnormality in congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis: a. Hypokalemic metabolic alkolosis b. Hyperkalemic metabolic acidosis c. Hypokalemic metabolic acidosis d. Hyperkalemic metabolic alkalosis Ans a 181. A 6-year-old child has IQ of 50. Which of the following can the child do? a. Identify colors b. Read sentence c. Ride a bicycle d. Copy a triangle Ans: a 182. which reaction occurs in cytoplasm. a) TCA b) Glycolysis c) ETC Ans b |
ris Total Posts: 8 | Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 02:40 am vision 2020 includes trachoma for sure...confirmes fom various sites |
ris Total Posts: 8 | Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 02:43 am choanal atresia is seen in fetus with mother takin carbimazole..cleft lip n palate not seen ;ref;various internet sites |
ris Total Posts: 8 | Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 02:44 am barbiturates are also not dialyzable |
ris Total Posts: 8 | Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 02:57 am aldosterone receptors r found in..kidneys newly discovered ..brain vessels clue bout liver,colon |
ris Total Posts: 8 | Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 03:15 am final product of purine metabolism-uric acid |
nanu Total Posts: 228 | Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 03:55 am good work angelina |
jeee Total Posts: 6 | Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 04:20 pm end product of purine metabolism is URIC ACID |
maithreya Total Posts: 7 | Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 08:29 pm Vision 2020, the five major diseases included are Cataract, Trachoma, Onchocerciasis, Refractive errors, and some childhood eye conditions Answer is undoubtedly Epidemic keratoconjuctivitis |
maithreya Total Posts: 7 | Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 08:36 pm 2. common carotid artery bifurcates at the level of thyroid cartilage 3. common site for ectopic pancreas is at stomach |
teegee Total Posts: 7 | Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 03:10 am Qn No.152. Nile blue sulphate test is used to assess FETAL LUNG MATURITY. REF: DUTTA PAGE 112 9TH POINT: It utilizes desquamated fetal skin cells to assess fetal lung maturity.... |
kumarvj Total Posts: 1 | Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 11:08 pm which of these is not a antioxidant in the cataract vit a catalase vit c vit e ans |
AAKASH Total Posts: 43 | Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 11:16 pm CATALASE |
nanu Total Posts: 228 | Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 04:40 am plz any reference for Q 46 |
AAKASH Total Posts: 43 | Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 02:24 am I THINK IT IS INCREASED TRANSFERRIN SATURATION |
kundan Total Posts: 2 | Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 04:03 am Hats up good copying work from bhatia web site even the wrong answers plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz use your brain to get the correct question dont copy from others |
avin Total Posts: 1 | Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 04:14 am ....even i think so....whatever its helping the netmedicos |
ban Total Posts: 4 | Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 05:13 pm do any of know whether there is any D.N.B. or P.G. seats in sitapur eye hospital.........if yes then where 2 gt the details |
pavan14281 Total Posts: 3 | Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 10:55 pm The target disease areas for VISION 2020 are the five major causes of avoidable blindness: Cataract Trachoma Onchocerciasis Childhood Blindness Refractive Error Low Vision paste the following link for reference. this is WHO website for vision 2020. |
Admin Total Posts: 890 | Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 03:18 am Dear Ban, It seems that there is no DNB eye at Sitapur. Here is the list for DNB Seats in Ophthalmology. Name of Hospital Contact Details Speciality No. of Seats Accreditation upto # Dr. Mohanlal Memorial Gandhi Eye Hospita ALIGARH (UP) Uttar Pradesh Ophthalmology 3 8-Jun Dr. Rajendra Rohtagi Instt.of Ophthalmol GT Road Sarvodaya Nagar KANPUR - 5 Uttar Pradesh Ophthalmology 2 9-Jun I Care Hospital E3A Sector 26 NOIDA 201301 Uttar Pradesh Ophthalmology 2 6-Jun Jankalyan Eye Hospital Educational & Res A-1040 Indira Nagar Lucknow Uttar Pradesh Ophthalmology 1 6-Dec Khairabad Eye Hospital Swaroop Nagar KANPUR-208002 Uttar Pradesh Ophthalmology 2 8-Jun With regards, Netmedicos |
dipnath Total Posts: 4 | Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 08:02 am well done .. |
ban Total Posts: 4 | Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 03:42 am thank u sooooooooo much |