(Single Best Answer) Question 191: A 30 year old male resents with numbness of both lower limbs and right upper limb. Examination reveals pulse 88/ minute and B P �?? 160/110 mm of Hg. He also has digital gangrene involving right 2nd and 3rd finger, urine routine examination is unremarkable microscopic examination shows RBC�??s hemogram and serum biochemistry is within normal limits. What is the most probable diagnosis ?
A) Systemic lupus erythematosus B) Polyateritis nodosa C) Malignant Hypertension D) Churg-Strauss syndrome Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 192: A 27-year primigrvida presents with pregnancy induced hypertension with blood pressure of 150/100 mm of Hg at 32 week of gestation with no other complications. Subsequently, her blood pressure is controlled on treatment. If there are no complications, the pregnancy should be best terminated at ?
A) 40 Completed weeks B) 37 Completed weeks C) 35 Completed weeks D) 34 Completed weeks Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 193: A 3-year-old boy presents with fever, dysuria and gross hematuria. Physical examination shows a prominent suprapubic area which is dull to percussion. Urinalysis reveals red blood cells but no proteinuria. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis ?
A) Acute glomerulonephritis B) Urinary tract infection C) Posterior urethral valves D) Teratoma Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 194: A 17 years old boy presented with TLC of 138 �? 109/L with 80% blasts on the peripheral smear. Chest X-ray demonstrated a large mediastinal mass. Immunophenotyping of this patient�??s blasts would most likely demonstrate ?
A) No surface antigens (null phenotype) B) An immature T cell phenotype (Tdt/D34/CD7 positive) C) Myeloid markers, such as CD 13 CD 33 and CD 15 D) B cell markers, such as CD 19 CD 20 & CD 22 Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 195: A 15-year-old boy is injured while playing cricket. X-rays of the leg rule out a possible fracture. The radiologist reports the boy has an evidence of an aggressive bone tumor with both bone destruction and soft tissue mass. The bone biopsy reveals a bone cancer with neural differentiation. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis ?
A) Chondroblastoma B) Ewing�??s sarcoma C) Neuroblastoma D) Osteosarcoma Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 196: A 15 year-old boy presented with one day history of bleeding gums, subconjunctival bleed and purpuric rash. Investigations revealed the following results: Hb- 6.4 gm/dL; TLC �?? 26,500/mm3; prathromibine time �?? 20 sec with a control of 13 sec; portial thromboplastin time - 50 sec; and Fibrinogen 10 mg/dL. Peripheral smear was suggestive of acute myeloblastic leukemia. Which of the following is the most likely ?
A) Myeloblastic leukemia without maturation B) Myeloblastic leukemia with maturation C) Promyelocytic leukemia D) Myelomonscytic leukemia Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 197: A 15 year old female presented to the emergency department with history of recurrent epistaxis, hematuria and hematochezia. There was a history of profuse bleeding from the umbilicus stump at birth. Previous investigations revealed normal prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, thrombin time and fibrinogen levels. Her platelet count as well as platelet function tests were normal but urea clot Jt. positive. Which one of the following clotting factor is most likely to be deficient ?
A) Factor X B) Factor XI C) Factor XII D) Factor XIII Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 198: A 13-year-old young girl presents in the casualty with acute pain the lower abdomen. She has history of cyclical pain for last 6 months and she has not attained her menarche yet. On local genital examination, a tense bulge in the region of hymen was seen. The most probable diagnosis is ?
A) Rokitansky Kuster Huser syndrome B) Testicular feminization syndrome C) Imperforate hymen D) Asherman�??s syndrome Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):