(Single Best Answer) Question 151: A 31 year old male, with mood disorder, on 30 mg of haloperidol, and 1000mg of lithium, is brought to the hospital emergency room with history of acute onset of fever, excessive sweating, confusion, rigidity of limbs and decreased communication for a day. Examination reveals tachycardia and labile blood pressure and investigations reveal increased CPK enzyme levels and leucocytosis. He is likely to have developed ?
A) Lithium toxicity B) Tardive dyskinesia C) Neuroleptic malignant syndrome D) Hypertensive encephalopathy Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 152: A 30 years old male patient presents with complaints of weakness in right upper and both lower limbs for last 4 months. He developed digital infarcts involving 2nd and 3rd fingers on right side and 5th finger on left side. On examination, BP was 160/140 mm Hg, all peripheral pulses were palpable and there was asymmetrical neuropathy. Investigations showed a Hb-12 gm, TLC-12000 Cu mm. Platelets 4,30,000 and ESR - 49 mm. Urine examination showed proteinuria and RBC-10 - 15/hpf with no casts. What is the most likely diagnosis ?
A) Polyarteritis nodosa B) Systemic lupus erythematosus C) Wegener's granulomatosis D) Mixed cryoglobulinemia Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 153: A 30 year old male underwent excision of the right radial head. Following surgery, the patient developed inability to extend the fingers and thumb of the right hand. He did not have any sensory deficit. Which one of the following is the most likely cause ?
A) Injury to posterior Interosseous nerve B) Iatorgenic injury to common extensor origin C) Injury to anterior Interosseous nerve D) High radial nerve palsy Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 154: A 3 year old child presents with a right convergent squint of 6 months duration. What is the appropriate management ?
A) Immediate surgical correction followed by ambylopia therapy B) Proper refractive correction, ambylopia therapy followed by surgical correction C) Prescribe spectacles and defer surgery until the child is 5 years old D) Botulinum toxin injection followed by occlusion therapy Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 155: A 27 year old patient was diagnosed to have borderline leprosy and started on multibacillary multi-drug therapy. Six weeks later, he developed pain in the nerves and redness and swelling of the skin lesions. The management of his illness should include all of the following, except ?
A) Stop anti-leprosy drugs B) Systemic corticosteroids C) Rest to the limbs affected D) Analgesics Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 156: A 25 years female was found in room with 100% burns on her body. The tongue was protruding out, body was in pugilistic attitude with heat ruptures, peeling of skin, heat haematoma and heat fracture of skull. Carboxy haemoglobin was 25% and soot particles were present in trachea. Which of the combinations of two findings will establish that the burns were antemortem in nature ?
A) Heat Haematoma & heat ruptures B) Heat Fracture of skull and peeling of skin C) Heat haematoma and pugilistic attitude D) Carboxy haemoglobin (25%) and soot particles in trachea Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 157: A 25 year old man presented with fever and cough for two months. CT chest showed bilateral upper lobe fibrosis and mediastinal enlarged necrotic nodes with peripheral rim enhancement. What is the most likely diagnosis ?
A) Sarcoidosis B) Tuberculosis C) Lymphoma D) Silicosis Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 158: A 25 year old male gives a history of redness, pain and mild diminution of vision in one eye for past 3 days. There is also a history of low backache for the past one year. On examination there is cricumcorneal congestion, cornea is clear apart from a few fine keratic precipitates on the corneal endothelium, there are 2+ cells in the anterior chamber and the intraocular pressure is within normal limits. The patient is most likely suffering from ?
A) Acute attack of angle closure glaucoma B) HLA B-27 related anterior uveitis C) JRA associated uveitis D) Herpetic keratitis Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 159: A 24 year old male, known epileptic, presented following a seizure with pain in the right shoulder region. Examination revealed that the right upper limb was adducted and internally rotated and the movements could not be performed. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis ?
A) Posterior dislocation of shoulder B) Luxatio erecta C) Intrathoracic dislocation of shoulder D) Subglenoid dislocation of shoulder Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 160: A 23 year old male had unprotected sexual intercourse with a commercial sex worker. Two weeks later, he developed a painless, indurated ulcer on the glans which exuded clear serum on pressure. Inguinal lymph nodes in both groins were enlarged and not tender. The most appropriate diagnostic test is ?
A) Gram's stain of ulcer discharge B) Darkfield microscopy of ulcer discharge C) Giemsa stain of lymph node aspirate D) ELISA for HIV infection Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):