(Single Best Answer) Question 181: A drug company is developing a new pregnancy-test kit for use on an outpatient basis. The company used the pregnancy test on 100 women who are known to be pregnant. Out of 100 women, 99 showed positive test. Upon using the same test on 100 non-pregnant women, 90 showed negative result. What is the sensitivity of the test ?
A) 90% B) 99% C) Average of 90 & 99 D) Cannot be calculated from the given data Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 182: A drop in fetal heart rate that typically lasts less than 2 minutes and is usually associated with umbilical cord compression is called ?
A) Early deceleration B) Late deceleration C) Variable deceleration D) Prolonged deceleration Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
A) Rigor mortis at birth B) Adipocere formation C) Maceration D) Mummification Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 184: A adult male patient presented in the OPD with complaints of cough and fever for 3 months and haemoptysis off and on. His sputum was positive for AFB. On probing it was found that he had already received treatment with RHZE for 3 weeks from a nearby hospital and discontinued. How will you categorize and manage the patient ?
A) Category III, start 2 (RHZ)3 B) Category II, start 2 (RHZE)3 C) Category I, start 2 (RHZE)3 D) Category II, start 2 (RHZES)3 Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 185: A 9 yr old boy has steriod dependent nephrotic syndrome for the last 5 years. He had received corticosteroids almost continuously during this period and has cushingoid features. The blood pressure is 120/86 mmHg and there are bilateral subcapsular cataracts. The treatment of choice is ?
A) Levamisole B) Cyclophosphamide C) Cyclosporin A D) Intravenous pulse corticosteriods Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 186: A 62 year old man with carcinoma of lung presented to emergency department with respiratory distress. His EKG showed electrical alterans. The most likely diagnosis is ?
A) Pneumothorax B) Pleural effusion C) Cardiac tamponade D) Constrictive pericarditis Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 187: A 60- years man presented with fatigue weight loss and heaviness in left hypochodrium for 6 months. The hemogram showed Hb 10 gm/dL, TLC 5 laks/mm3, platelet count 4 laks/mm3 , DLC; neutrophil 55%, lymphocytes 4% montocytes 2 % basophiles 6% metamyelocytes 10% myeloytes 18%, promyelocytes 2% and blasts 3%. The most likely cytogenetic abnormality in this case is ?
A) t (8;21) B) t (9;22) C) t (15;17) D) trisomy 21 Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 188: A 60 year old hypertensive patient on Angiotensin II receptor antagonists (losartan) is posted for hernia repair surgery. The antihypertensive drug should be ?
A) Continued till the day of operation B) Discontinued 24 hrs preoperatively C) Discontinued one week preoperatively D) Administered in an increased dosage on the day of operation Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 189: A 55 year old male accident victim in casualty urgently needs blood. The blood bank is unable to determine his ABO group, as his red cell group and plasma group do not match. Emergency transfusion of patient should be with ?
A) RBC corresponding to his red cell group and colloids/crystalloid B) Whole blood group corresponding to his plasma group C) O positive RBC and colloids/crystalloid D) AB negative whole blood Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 190: A 50 year old man suffering from carcinoma of prostate showed areas of sclerosis and collapse of T10 and T11 vertebrae in X-ray. The spread of this cancer to the above vertebrae was most probably through ?
A) Sacral canal B) Lymphatic vessels C) Internal vertebral plexus of veins D) Superior rectal veins Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):